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All Content by miaminurse74

  1. University of Miami???

    Hi all, wanted to get some feedback as to the UM program...I was accepted and have chosen UM mainly because of having Jackson as a clinical site and that they have a scholarship that covers all tuition (I owe enough already!). Just wanted to see what...
  2. GUILT-RIDDEN: inputs needed

    Dont be guilt-ridden....ultimately you have to do whats right for you! I am a single mom two kids, dtr and son, 9 and son is autistic to boot. I will be starting anesthesia school in August. The way I look at it, the ends justifies the means.....
  3. Tired of searching for CRNA Interview Questions??

    they will ask why you want to be crna....tell us about yourself....and then, they will ask you about a "challenging" case you have had...make sure you can answer EVERY possible scenario...if its neuro, know neuro well, etc....seemed to work for me!!!
  4. Stats?

    I just found out I got accepted into Univ. of Miami for GRE is 1100 combined score 560 math, 540 verbal..GPA is 3.67; have 1 and half years of ICU experience...And that worked!:anpom:
  5. Chances of getting in ? Barry and FIU

    Hello there, I will be interviewing with UM and FIU in January..I am also taking the ccrn test in January. I know people who got into barrywithout the ccrn, but dont want to take chances. I have a 3.67 GPA and 1100 on the gre, with 1.5 years of icu e...
  6. Y did you become a CRNA??....

    I want to thank you for your explanation. I am in the process of applying to CRNA school, and I have a general idea of what I am to expect. I am still excited, scared, and anxious all at the same time! I am glad to see that all your hard work and sac...
  7. Professional Goals Statement

    wow, yeah, thanks alot, you just cleared up all my confusion for me...
  8. Professional Goals Statement

    I too am applying to 3 schools and am completely stumped with my personal goal statement. what do they really want to hear? any advice helps, obviously I am the only one who could write my goals, but direction is appreciated!