There's a long list.... strong assessment skills, ability to "connect" with a wide variety of people and yet maintain boundaries, good listening and communication skills, teaching skills, time...
There is no specific requirement to gather MAC in the new cops. What the new COPS require is a form for the gathering of data elements to be utilized in your QAPI program. It is up to the individual...
We have some male nurses and age is only a factor as far as it correlates to limited life and professional experience. Each person must be judged on their own merits. Some people have more...
Yes, there is a core curriculum and a study guide. Your most economical alternative is to purchase a membership in HPNA and then the cost of the test is discounted and so are the study materials. If...
I agree with the above... they should cut out the requirement to be at IDT's. 1 person per 70 is definitely justifiable at full time, especially on the weekend. We have a census of about 200 and...
That sounds like a policy that is not patient service driven. In fact, your post shows the unintended effect... the difficulty of obtaining the medication is driving use instead of what would be the...
We have standing orders that allow us to titrate the dosage up another 50% if necessary to achieve relief but after that we would have to call the physician to get an increase. If you are doing...
Freedom? That's an interesting word I never would have thought of applying to hospice nursing. Autonomy maybe. It certainly can be stressful, or it can be delightful. It all depends on what comes...
We cannot exclude patients due to full code status. It doesn't make much sense to be a full code when terminally ill.... but still... some can't bring themselves to sign a DNR. Sometimes it means no...
It runs the gamut from people who just need a little reassurance or have a question about a medication to a patient that has just decided constipation is an emergency to a family freaking out because...
The small numbers may reflect that while few people actually MAKE the choice, they want to be able free to make it. It may reflect that we have deep taboos in our society and makeup about taking our...
I think it is just another euphamism for dying that is coming more and more into vogue. And like the word dying, it all depends on how you define it. Dying can happen in a day or it can be a lengthy...
I'm personally uncomfortable with it but I support self-determination. My father is a member of the hemlock society and I would want to be able to support
Hi Emilie, Guess you didn't get an answer in time for your interview. While a deeper and broader experience would prepare you better, your heart for the work and your communication skills, your...