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  1. did nymed provide the intership? im looking for a school that provides an internship for ekg and
  2. I would suggest you go throught the American Heart Association(google it and you search by zip code) to renew your CPR b/c it's good for two years. The red cross is only good for one year and more...
  3. They should have not served red or white wine to the staff before work. I honstly do not believed she had the right to chasitised you about it. Yes maybe you shouldn't have drank it but that was...
  4. Anyone can get into Nursing.

    That is a horrible thing to say to
  5. Do NY hospitals hire LPNs?

    yes they do. you have to keep looking. check this site they are hiring for lpn. click on this click here to see hhc employment
  6. Is an associates degree enough for me ?

    I would say it's up to you if you want advance in nursing. Yes an assiciate degree is enough for you but if you want to specialize in a field of nursing such as surgery you need to advance. I would...
  7. How Tough are the CNA Courses in general?

    Im taking a corse now. It won't be hard since yours meets once a week, more time to study. What you really have to study for are skills. Learn as much as you can when you do clinicals. Once you fail...
  8. Are you a Nurse Assistant?? how much you earn in new york?

    How long have you been a PCA? Do they only hire people with experience and/or new
  9. Question About Becoming a CNA

    you could also search cna training in colorado on this site and get some
  10. Desperate for A LPN or RN program

    If you have a F you can take it over at the same school and try to get an
  11. CNA schools in NY??

    manhattan institute (located in manhattan but it may help)new york medical career (cheapest) , and a few community colleges like york,...
  12. Wilson Tech/Western Suffolk BOCES

    i just called to today to get an application. no it's not too late. call asap. the women said they give test until september. the program stats in september, don't know how that's possible anywhoo....
  13. Is it too late

    i am 21 years old. i felt the same way. even though i am pretty young, i wish i started earlier. i have a friend who is an RN and she is only 20! that's because she went to a nursing HS and became an...
  14. Is it too late

    it's never too