

Biological Research

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All Content by RedNeon

  1. OBLC class in March 2008

    I'm grateful that I will be heading to Walter Reed although HI was on my top three. I'm not quite ready as I still have to finish gathering my uniform and have much more research to do about the moving process. Overall, I'm excited and so looking fo...
  2. OBLC class in March 2008

    I am heading to OBLC in March as a 71A with no prior service. Are you ready?
  3. My OBLC experiences

    Hi Nurse Red, I completely agree with Gen. Of course it's a good idea to get all the infomation you possibly can before making a big decision. However, I would advise you not to talk to a recruiter unless your 100% in your decision. The application ...
  4. My OBLC experiences

    Thanks for all the wonderful information. I am headed to OBLC next year as a 71A laboratory science officer. I realize this is primarily a nursing forum, but I would love to learn as much as possible about the types of day-to-day duties performed by...