Yellow Rose RN

Yellow Rose RN

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About Yellow Rose RN

Single mom

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  1. RN to BSN

    Congrats Tweety on your venture with RN-BSN! I am finishing up my last prerequisite (statistics) this spring semester before starting the RN-BSN program at Texas Tech. Good luck to you and I look...
  2. Does your hospice cover feeding pumps/nutrition...ever?

    My next door neighbor had a baby with Trisomy 10 and was on feedings. Hospice took off of their service when he was placed on these feedings. He was unable to take anything orally and was dying....
  3. MD funnies

    OMG these are too funny!!
  4. comp shut off @75 the waiting is dreadful

    Found out just now that I PASSED!!!!!!!! Whew.... what a relief that is! Congratulations to you too
  5. comp shut off @75 the waiting is dreadful

    Found out just now that I PASSED!!!!!!!! Whew.... what a relief that is! Congratulations to you too
  6. comp shut off @75 the waiting is dreadful

    Hey, I wanted to say that I took the NCLEX this week too. Mine shut off at 75 also. I have been a nervous wreck as well. I really feel like I failed (as do so many ). I graduated about a year...
  7. comp shut off @75 the waiting is dreadful

    Hey, I wanted to say that I took the NCLEX this week too. Mine shut off at 75 also. I have been a nervous wreck as well. I really feel like I failed (as do so many ). I graduated about a year...
  8. comp shut off @75 the waiting is dreadful

    Would she be talking about the Pearson website? If so, that site is follow the instructions to sign in and look at test history. Also, there is a 900 number...
  9. comp shut off @75 the waiting is dreadful

    Would she be talking about the Pearson website? If so, that site is follow the instructions to sign in and look at test history. Also, there is a 900 number...
  10. How many 37, 38-weekers wind up in NICU?

    My own son (#4) was term and during labor had problems with decreased fetal heart rate .... was stimulated several times to no avail. When he was finally born, he was extremely cyanotic and not...
  11. How many 37, 38-weekers wind up in NICU?

    My own son (#4) was term and during labor had problems with decreased fetal heart rate .... was stimulated several times to no avail. When he was finally born, he was extremely cyanotic and not...
  12. She can also request a meeting with the financial aid director to inform them of her financial situation right now. If she qualifies now... then sometimes they can work around only using last years...
  13. before clinical breakfast ideas?

    When I was in school, on clinical days, I would have a whole wheat waffle (frozen) pop it in the toaster and when it is done, spread peanut butter on it. It is delicious and lots of protein and some...
  14. I think I got fired

    Many Good thoughts to you. I am glad that you talked to your DON and got that particular stressor situatied for the time being. Good luck to you and your son. I have been in a similar situation...
  15. Stressed out and Getting Out

    I am a fairly new graduate that went back to school to fulfill my dream of becoming a nurse after my ex-husband left. I was in a position to go to school full-time and took advantage of that! Before...