everyone has given you great advice!! i just have to put in my ten cents....i was a cna from sixteen on. started nsg school 3 times and first two tries ended up not being the right time in my life....
I Think I Would Keep This Offer On The "back Burner" And Look Elsewhere. I Still Work At The Hosp Where I Started As A New Grad And If They Had Spoke To Me Like That Upon Hire I Would Have Definetly...
I Changed Units 4 And Half Mos Ago. Had The Urge For About A Year Before That. Previous Unit Was My First Out Of Nursing School And Was Good For Most Part. Lots Of Reasons For My Change, But I Am...
Loved your story and animations!! ha ha! Make sure you take your breaks, the 10-15 min ones and lunch. Just remember all that work will be there when you get back. Find somebody to do a few things...
Might not hurt to have two nurses or staff in with this employee at all times for the sake of having a witness. I had a pt like this in hospital setting with major psych issues. Came in with abd...
Am fairly new to ICU, yet have seen handful of these cases already. If you have been around healthcare a long time then you know that sometimes these things (vents) just prolong the suffering. I...
I have been in ICU orientation for approx 5 weeks. My hospital had me start basic EKG prior to transferring b/c ACLS is one of the first classes they wanted me to complete ( you need EKG for the...
cheryl, also want to tell you i agree with the immunity idea as posted previously. i work in a hospital and have three children at home and truthfully we all do very well with staying healthy. i...
i love being a nurse!! it is hard and it can be very draining. nursing offers opportunity to grow through out your career, not to mention all the different areas you can take nursing, i could never...
i am starting an icu internship next week. at our hospital there is a separate general orientation (to cover payroll, etc) and a separate nursing orientation for new employees. i am just transferring...
At my hospital the students are allowed to give meds with the nurse's or their instructor. 99% of the time the instructor is off the floor. I always have the student check the meds with the MAR and...