
RNinRubySlippers BSN, RN

Acute Medicine/ Palliative

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All Content by RNinRubySlippers

  1. Do you know which area you want to work in?

    I want to work on an oncology unit. At a cancer clinic. I would also work on an oncology palliative ward. I can hardly wait! Getting closer and closer!
  2. Comment that really ticks me off.........

    AMEN! lol
  3. Final grade disappointment... why can't I let it go???

    Michelle, may I ask what semester you are in? Thanks!
  4. Final grade disappointment... why can't I let it go???

    Sorry to hear you are so distraught over your A-. Thats really a great mark! I hope you find out sooner than later that your 0.5 of a mark difference does NOT make you any LESS a nurse. Good lord people. Any how, this is not to say I am not empat...
  5. well I am in 3rd year (so semester 5 is done in a week) We started with i thin 46, now we have 32. The last person we lost last semester, before summer. I hope no one else leaves or fails. Anyhow, overall not too bad. Some quit, changed schools o...
  6. Anyone completely fatigued? Vent.

    YAY Jen you are done! I remember seeing you when you first joined! hee hee! Well, I am going into my 6th semester. (2nd semester of year 3) I am so exhausted and burnt out, I came home from clinical on thursday, cried and went to bed! At 1700 h I w...
  7. Sub Q Injection Question

    yup thats the diff, dont aspirate or massage. Round to the hundreth. have fun!
  8. It is unfortunate, and for that I am sorry for you. However, even though you dont "do anything" with the dressings, you should report any abnormal data to alert the RN to the issue as you are assigned that pt. Your eyes are one of the most importan...
  9. Congestive Heart Failure

    great sites-thanks so very much!
  10. HELP... I am Grade obsessed

    not to sound too rude or blunt but... get over it! There. Did that help?
  11. Be honest - do you do all your required reading?

    Can I give some advice to you all who ARE doing all the readings? In my opinion (humble opinion!) you are gonna burn yourselves out. You have to learn to be selective in your readings. Trust me, I highly doubt you will continue to read "every las...
  12. Be honest - do you do all your required reading?

    never mind.
  13. what does c=rn mean?

    All I wanna say is work hard, dont over do it and stay in the middle. if you area MID student (good in academics and pt care, not nec A's in grades) you are highly respected as a nurse. Know it alls and competitive ppl can run you down. Dont dis...
  14. Precepting New Grads - Tips and/or Advice?

    You sound like you are going to be a wonderful perceptor! Lucky student and good luck to you as well! Hope you learn something new too! What a bonus! B :)
  15. First Day Of Clinical - What to Do / What to Bring?

    What did you instructor say you were allowed to do? Sounds like you were not very well informed in regards to your first day. DO NOT do anything you were not told you could do. Even the slightest thing. This does not demonstrate responsibility an...
  16. Anxiety Before Nursing Shool

    wonderful advice ortho rn! congrats on the boards!
  17. Preparing for Clinicals

    When preping for clinical, we were given different info depending on ward. In surgical, I was given (@ noon the day before, and still had afternoon classes) with pt. name, Dx and that was it! We were responsible to know common meds given and know w...
  18. Thanks a bunch Mitchsmom! You are so kind to share :)
  19. Official Weight Watchin Students

    OK here we go! Lets start a thread then! I am currently (as of today) at my 10% loss (15 lbs)! So I have about 10 to go! Lets rally eachother! Introduce yourself or whatever you would like! I will try to post every day. If I dont, someone else...
  20. For all us students that have "gained a few" in nursing school for sitting and studying and so on? Thanks I would really like one!
  21. Official Weight Watchin Students

    thanks! I appreciate your kind words! Keep goin strong! I read a GREAT quote: "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" Or we could substitue thin for healthy! What aree your favorite "low count" snacks?
  22. I am curious, I havent looked up any research regarding color of scrubs and pts. Curious nonetheless. Thanks!
  23. I went to Staples and didn't know what supplies to purchase

    Hey all! I was just gonna tell ya what I have found to work well. I bought 3" binders for each of my classes. Put course pack in there along with lined paper. I bought page sticky flags to use as each chapter (or unit) dividers. I fount it to wo...
  24. JP drains

    I am a 3rd yr BSN student in BC Canada, and we do it here! Lots of opportunity for us to do s o! It can be smooth or painful(for pt and me!) lol! I am sure to give an analgesic 1/2 hr before hand!
  25. Tired of friends telling me I can do better than nursing

    No person has ever said anything remotely like this to me before. I guess I assume everyone thinks of nursing as a profession here in Canada? I don't know for sure but , I think most people respect nurses here. They all say "thats an excellent car...