

Adult/ped/neonatal/ICU/Trauma ER nurse

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About Mechi

Mechi specializes in Adult/ped/neonatal/ICU/Trauma ER nurse.

I am hard of hearing nurse 7 years

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  1. Nurses who are deaf, partial hearing loss?

    Do not panic ,I started like this 17 years ago??????? First ,Look in the thread nursing with disabilities and look at hearing impaired nurses,you will find our post to help you.In this forum Secong...
  2. Nurses who are deaf, partial hearing loss?

    I am agreed with your suggestions we should help the ones who are facing discrimination to find help or learn how to speak out in their jobs,I have been a truly advocated in my hospital about...
  3. Nurses who are deaf, partial hearing loss?

    Association of Medical Professional with Hearing Losses (AMPHL) You need to contact them and ask for help I am sure they will know better.I suggest you to become a member in this organization .It will...
  4. HELP I'm falling apart!!!

    I am very happy with your decision ,I hope you will get the knoweledge you are looking for.If you feel adults are not for you or overwhelmed try pediatrics you will love it. May be you need some...
  5. HELP I'm falling apart!!!

    1.Find out how many years of nursing bedside your manager had. I am always seeing new nurses less than two year become managers,her attitude correlates with her fear of not knowing bedside care and...
  6. RN's that graduated before 1980...I need your help!!

    Continuation to previous page (computer shut down) 8. Were nursing care plans utilized? Yes 9. What differences do you see in standards of care now versus when you were in school? The clinical...
  7. RN's that graduated before 1980...I need your help!!

    1. why did you go into nursing? i always wanted to go to africa as missionary,but it was to far away so i decided to joint the red cross as volunteer when i was 15 years old to learn first aid twice...
  8. ER nurses advice

    I have the same problem you have sometimes but even though you are the primary nurse ,any nurse who touch that patient should sign their name and the intervention with the time and signature if not...
  9. Please ... any ex-ICU, now ER nurses for advice!

    Welcome to the ED,you will be a good asset to them.I was an ICU nurse for years before I decided to become an ER nurse you will love it.The ER is so different ,it is not controlled universe as the ICU...
  10. Miami NICUs

    Miami Childrens is the best teaching Hospital the other one is Jackson memorial Hospital they do ECMO.I will go to them. If you like NICU and pediatrics ,for adult traumas the best ER is The Ryder...
  11. Anybody know ACLS classroom course in Naples,Fl?

    Call all the Hospitals in naple or near you and ask for the educational dept ,almost all the hospital give ACLS/PALS/CPR courses mandatory to ER/OR/ICU nurses and fire fighters. I am sure you will...
  12. Preceptorships in the NICU in Miami

    Miami Children and Jackson Memorial are teaching hospitals #1 .I will asure you they have Varsant residency or preceptorship training while you are learning.Make sure you call them but i know people...
  13. Hospitals with Preceptorships in the NICU in Miami

    The Miami childrens and Jackson Memorial hospital in Miami are the best teaching hospitals in Miami,They both have a trauma level 1 and recognized world wide.For a new student I will start in one of...
  14. Liablity question..

    Whenever you get this type of situation filed an incident report and send it to risk management dept via fax or intradepartament mail,not e mail do not give to any body just send it to risk...
  15. Disaster/Pandemic preparedness Thanks ,did you ever assist to a Hazmat course in your hospital is...