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About 8jimi8ICURN

8jimi8ICURN specializes in Flight RN, Trauma1 CVICU STICU MICU CCU.

into rock climbing, scuba diving, shooting, watercolor, ceramic wheel work, punk rock, blue grass

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  1. Flight Nurse Advice

    Do you know of any other RN to EMT-P
  2. Flight Nurse Advice

    Not everyone requires 5 years. Air Evac (in Texas - san antonio area) requires 3 years and passing their test. I volunteered as an EMT-B then an EMT-I85 in texas with a third service 911 and a...
  3. Arizona ICU nurses! Are you happy?

    UAMC in Tucson CVICU has had 3 managers in 4 years if that tells you
  4. Question for nurses working in various ICU settings

    Did you get the
  5. In Texas, my home state, there is a "safe harbor law" which allows a nurse to accept an UNSAFE assignment, but still have their license protected if there is a negative patient outcome. Is there...
  6. how to get a job as flight nurse

    You might do well to get some 911 EMS experience if you
  7. Amiodarone help!

    Are you really stable if you are unresponsive? Bp or not, the patient is post code. Doesn't sound stable to
  8. CVSU or CCU?

    If you can hold your own on a CVICU, any Icu will take you . And you'll be guaranteed to float to your other units... Whereas.. You don't get to float to Cv /s cv
  9. Narcotics administration

    i dont care how much they want. i give it . if they want it more often give them a pca. if the doc prescribed it they can have it. push it fast, sure. if they are trying to get high i document...
  10. Sedation in ICU... your opinions/ experiences?

    Typically 1mcg/kg fentanyl /c a little versedOr propofol bonus on top of that.Plus or minus. Unless they are a ventilator PRO, one of the rare patients who doesn't mind and well tolerates alertness...
  11. Propofol & Cocaine = violent patient??

    Every intensive care unit I have seen requires restraints for intubated patients. And +1 for dexmedetomidine induced bradycardia and
  12. Teacher said NOWAY....new grad hiring into ICU positions

    Most residencies for RNs are @6 months tops for ICU. 2 year committment maybe but not on your own as an RN for 2 years is
  13. What to do about disruptive behavior?

    No one is judging. You DID ask for opinions. Part of Icu nursing is knowing when and how to ask for help. You didn't and a patients care suffered for it. Bottom line. Heartfelt analogies do not...
  14. What to do about disruptive behavior?

    And in accepting and depending on help, one must make specific requests such as hey, will you please turn so and so for me. Then follow
  15. What to do about disruptive behavior?

    12 hours without turning is horrendous. I hope you learned that lesson. Write an incident report and request an arbitration with the disruptive nurse. She was out of line. You also need to write an...