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All Content by borik1234

  1. anyone who completed this table,,pls help me,,thank you
  2. to daly city rn,, nice post,,,,blame also the greedy owner of the nursing school in the PI,,,
  3. nclex passer = LPN

    My Question Is ,if You 're A Nclex Passer,you Become An Lpn In Alberta Without Taking Lpn Exam?
  4. nclex passer = LPN

    thanks so much suzzane for info.,,i hope some of my fellow filipino nurses in the PI would enlighten to your opinion
  5. nclex passer = LPN

    you're right suzzane,,,that why i talked already to my friend in the phils to stay away to the agency
  6. nclex passer = LPN

    thanks fiona and suzzane for the info,,,that's why i ask that question because there is one agency in the phils misinforming those nurses work as LPN without taking CPNRE in Alberta,,that ridiculous,,,,
  7. nclex passer = LPN

    thanks suzzane4,,,
  8. sacrifices

    don't give up kabayan,,,
  9. Pinoy Caregivers to Spain

    try here in toronto as caregiver,,
  10. sacrifices

    sad to say purplehippo,,,same here in toronto,,
  11. go to
  12. List of NCLEX Review center in Manila

    try PRS REVIEW CENTER,,infront of UST,,
  13. 80,000 to 100,000 to take June 08 NLE

    oh my god,,,100,000 who gonna take the exam,,where is the quality of nursing?
  14. planning to move to canada ... part II

    yeah,very expensive,,wasting of time and money..that there rule we should comply...
  15. Note from desk of Suzanne4

    hi suzanne4 your so great moderator,,,i hope to see you soon
  16. planning to move to canada ... part II

    hello to lenjoy you gonna spent almost 8,000$ for bridging program in george brown college here in Toronto...11 elements /subjects and 400 hrs clinical duty...400 hrs duty = 3,000 $.
  17. planning to move to canada ... part II

    hi dopey my clinical elements were already finished,,maybe this june i will take the crne exam...
  18. planning to move to canada ... part II

    hi lenjoy,i just finishing my 200hrs clinical duty dis jan-april,,maybe this coming june hopefully,write the crne exam,,,,don't give up,just follow your dream to become a good nurse someday,,,going back to school for bridging here ,its just playing a...
  19. planning to move to canada ... part II

    hi lenjoy & dopey,,that the problem here in ontario all of us nurses from friend had a 10 yrs experience in kuwait,the CNO gave him a 11 elements/subject to take and 400 hrs clinical practise before he write the crne exam,,we're the sam...
  20. first time to take CRNE.. HELP!!!

    hi nursejen,,just concentrate the CNA prep guide and mosby nclex-rn,,,gudluck,,
  21. first time to take CRNE.. HELP!!!

    CNO assessed you already?did you the finished the 11 elements before you take the CRNE?gudluck
  22. gift...

    7days off ,and then going to vegas for fun,,hehhee
  23. CRNE in oct

    hi azrael527,im planning to take the CRNE,but my friend in toronto told me that nurses from phils is equivalent to diploma program in ontario that is why THEY required them to go back to school for 2years for BscN DEGREE,,im just wondering because yo...
  24. CRNE in oct

    hi azrael527,gudluck to you,,how many courses you take in ontario?are you work as nurse before?how many years?
  25. CRNE in oct

    hello azrael527,,,did you recieved already your assessment from CNO?are you eligible to take the CRNE ?gudluck