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All Content by Frankslove

  1. PASSING THE CPNE: tips from my experience

    Thanks for the post. I am new and just starting so prob. do not need to worry about this just yet but I'm curious, how long do these things last. I know it is two or three days but how long each day. I'd like to just get it all over with in one day. ...
  2. Retake of Lifespan 2 ...last one before FCCA & CPNE

    Wow, that's great. I only work PRN but just picked up a gig for the next 8 weeks to help with the holidays. I recently just stepped out of a traditional program so I'm thinking the first exam may not be as difficult as I'm thinking but still want to ...
  3. Retake of Lifespan 2 ...last one before FCCA & CPNE

    Thanks for the advice I ordered most of the books from EC last night and will check out these for more notes. Going back to work on Monday. Did you work while you were doing this? I guess just study on any down time and weekends. Are the test as hard...
  4. Retake of Lifespan 2 ...last one before FCCA & CPNE

    booziemgm2, I wish you the best. I am just starting the program and really don't know what to study. I am thinking of purchasing all the books from excelsior or amazon... and using them. I keep reading about study notes 101, and L Arends but don't qu...
  5. CPNE eligible! Wait... what?

    Hello all, I'm curious, what is the FCCA?