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All Content by carluvscats

  1. Move Over, Norma Rae

    Thanks for sharing your story. It doesn't sound like you are asking for any advice, so I just wish you the best of luck as you work it all out. I believe in happy endings, and with what you've been through, you certainly deserve it. To answer your ...
  2. Hello my name is.......and I am OBESE

    llg ~ I'd like to comment on a few things. I don't think any of us are "naturally heavy". Our bodies function best at normal weight and normal food intake. Our mamas and papas may be fat but they did not make us fat; too much food and not enough a...
  3. Hello my name is.......and I am OBESE

    For the diabetics who are posting, I would recommend the book "Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution" by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein. My husband (diabetic) and I bought the book a few years back, and he had incredible results as far as lowering his a1c an...
  4. IF you WEREN'Ta nurse, what would you be???

    I would love to work with an animal rescue, like Best Friends, but just with cats.
  5. How long does it take to love your OR job????

    RogueRN ~ indeed, the instinct should not be overruled!!!! this environment, where the employer definitely has the upper hand....desperation can lead us to take jobs we normally wouldn't. In your case, however, with the amount of experie...
  6. question about giving meds thru PEJ tube

    I always had to do them separately when I worked pediatric home health, partially because it was important to be vigilant about keeping track of my client's H2O intake (each med had a certain amount to dissolve and a certain amount to flush...the amo...
  7. Trying to obtain OR position any advice

    Ok, I gotcha. One of the websites I use is ~ Wisconsin Hospitals and Medical Centers * WI Once you get there, scroll all the way to the bottom for listings of hospitals in the 50 states. I've found some of the links to be broken, but many still se...
  8. Trying to obtain OR position any advice

    If you are willing to move, you might consider OR positions in other states. I have seen ads where experience is not a requirement.
  9. Question for everyone.

    I am weird in that I like to watch surgeries. Good thing I work in OR. :) There is a part of me that can be completely separate from what is happening to the person on the table. Frankly, I am more grossed out when there is a lot of belly button ...
  10. How long does it take to love your OR job????

    Great posts, MereSanity and RogueRN. I would really like to stick it out and see if I can become good at what I do. Where I work, there is precious little feedback........ so I just keep going, day after day. I figure at some point somebody will t...
  11. How long does it take to love your OR job????

    Glad you posted this question. I'm about 5 months in and I wonder nearly every day if this is a good fit. Some days I don't feel like a complete dummy; other days I can barely get through without obsessing over stuff I think I should be good at alr...
  12. Bursitis (knees) shoes????

    Thanks neutrophil. I'm going to see about the Pegasus series; perhaps wear them at home for a couple days to make sure. I've also heard good things about the Nike Shox. Yeah, I'm just doing what I can with the bursitis....working 8-10 hours/day wit...
  13. Its been one of those weekends...

    I guess the takeaway lesson from what you went through is to never take assignment unless you feel comfortable using all the equipment. Also, perhaps to be more assertive next time in resolving an issue before it becomes an actual problem......maybe...
  14. ACLS certification

    I agree with NickB. I was required to take a "Basic Arrhythmias" course before taking ACLS. This helped nail down some of the strip interpretations and common drugs. It really solidified what I learned in nursing school during the cardiac unit. T...
  15. Just need some kind words...

    (((((((((( hugs )))))))))).
  16. Katie999, what surprised me most about my interview is that they really didn't ask questions about my skills. I guess it was pretty self-explanatory from my application that I was pretty "green"; or perhaps it's just the fact that regular floor nurs...
  17. Nurses and Coffee

    What a nice happy thread. So different from nursing. :) I buy Land of a Thousand Hills coffee online; the espresso blend (Vooba Vooba).... it is to die for; the smoothest coffee I've ever had, and I make it reallllllllllllllllly dark. The company ...
  18. getting a job

    Thank you Mukfay. I sent you a PM.
  19. getting a job

    Mukfay, are there jobs in New Mexico? We are looking at the Truth or Consequences area.
  20. Getting depressed; tired of having no real direction...

    Nursecard, I think you expressed what a lot of us are feeling..... this economy has caused many of us to compromise our dreams for the sake of just having a job. I know so few nurses who are actually doing what they believe their niche to be. And t...
  21. Not a real nurse?

    nrsman1, it looks like we started the OR about the same time. It really is just a different world, isn't it. I think sometimes that those who have been doing it for years and years forget that it's completely different from anything that was taught...
  22. What do you love about the OR? & what do you hate?

    I am only about 5 weeks into my new job in the OR, but what I like so far is..... I am in constant learning mode. I know I am new, but even the seasoned nurses say they learn something new every day. I really enjoy being around a variety of he...
  23. New to teaching/vent

    I cannot think of anything you could have done differently. It would be great if you could have confronted the CNA head on, but it doesn't seem like you have the authority to do so... as you said, you "have to play nice" in order for the facility to...
  24. Working as a nurse for medical mission trips

    This link was recently posted in the volunteer forum ~ check out the threads over there!
  25. Tips for a soon to be new grad?

    I think you should apply for any and all positions...... the economy is not our friend and you would do well to start ASAP. Do keep in mind, however, that some places will not let you apply without a license in hand.