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  1. RN Pay Rates in NC

    I also really want to move to the Raleigh Area, but since I am the breadwinner in my family, I just don't see how I can live on the pay cut. At present I make 32.00 an hour plus night/weekend diff. I...
  2. Welcome to nursing, and congratulations to all of for passing your boards. When I graduated, they told us most of us would not find jobs in hospitals, they were not hiring, then the next year there...
  3. Thanks for the replies, info. I do not plan on moving until at least 6 months from now, hopefully the economy will be turning around. If not, I do have a job I love now, I just want to be close to my...
  4. And I am really looking forward to this move. My daughter and our first grandchild live in Raleigh,and we love the area. We are relocating from the Atlanta area. Long drive. Any advice on your...
  5. North Carolina Roll Call

    Hi, all, this is a great nursing site, I feel like I already know lots of you. I am looking forward to moving to NC next year. Lewis39, My last name is also Lewis. I would love to hear how you like...
  6. North Carolina Roll Call

    Julinoe, thanks for that cheat sheet...I plan on moving to the Raleigh area next year and that was a big help. My daughter lives there and gave birth to my 1st grandchild this summer. The wages are...
  7. At my facility there is becoming a much lower tolerance for bad behavior, thank goodness. I think we notice the bad behavior in health care workers more because we know in our hearts we need to be so...
  8. A lonely journey?

    :rotfl: You guys are great, and we luv our male nurses!!! (ok, ok I
  9. Hospital or Nursing Agency?

    I would recommend a staff nursing job in the beginning. Much, much about Nursing is on the job training...You may feel you are ready to take on anything and one thing after another comes up and you...
  10. Travel Nursing in RTP area?

    I am curious about any opportunities for travel nurses in the Raleigh area. I will be relocating to the Raleigh/Durham area in a year and it looks like I may have to take a significant pay cut if I...
  11. Moving to Raleigh (2 Questions)

    I also am researching the area....So the VA pays more than Duke? I now make 30 an hour plus shift, weekend dif in Ga. Will be moving in a year to the RTP area. May just do a travel job for a couple of...
  12. North Carolina Roll Call

    I am coming! To NC in one year!!!! Looking forward to living in your wonderful state, my daughter is in Raleigh, expecting my 1st
  13. Need info on New Bern and Wilmington...

    I'm with you, looking at New Bern also, however for a place to live and work in now and enjoy for retirement in 12 years or so. My daughter is in Raleigh and I would either like the triangle area or...
  14. Thanks for this valuable info...I will be moving to NC in a year, after 10 yrs at a Ga. Hospital. Want to be close to my daughter who lives in Raleigh. I also wanted Duke for the amount of research,...
  15. Scrubs in the Atlanta area

    Where is this? I work in Austell, not familiar with the shop.