
ebear BSN, RN


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All Content by ebear

  1. I hate what's happening to nursing...

    Reenski, you have so much to learn should you choose to pursue the nursing profession. I am speaking not only of nursing though, but of life in general. Make sure you are strong in your faith. It will be so important when the "wheels fall off" in you...
  2. I hate what's happening to nursing...

    I agree with every post. I've decided to throw in my "cap." It's just not worth the BS anymore.
  3. What is a Saratoga Tube?

    Salty1, thanks for the laugh! I needed that! Those Sataroga sumps will KILL ya! LOL!!
  5. Favorite "Lay Terms" For Diagnoses

  6. Holy Abscess! Not for the faint of heart

    As an O.R. nurse for YEARS, I thought I had a pretty strong stomach...DISGUSTING!
  7. Favorite "Lay Terms" For Diagnoses

    it is, Weezy!
  8. Favorite "Lay Terms" For Diagnoses

    "cooterman" for Coumadin "tiger-tol" for Tegretol
  9. What would YOU have done

    repositioned, reprimanded, and reported
  10. Leaving the ICU after 15 years

    Good luck, Zoo! Hopefully, this change will be exactly what you need and a breath of fresh air for your soul. :loveya:
  11. Relationships with Doctors

    DON'T !!
  12. Old Nurse-Bet Me!

    What a refreshing post! Cheers to our "sisterhood"! We're family...ALL IN!
  13. How likely is it to get laid off?

    Nursing has definitely changed. I was recently laid off (along with several others) having several certifications and >30 years experience. Sometimes "last hired" does not apply. The market is tough out there right now. Never trust in the securi...
  14. I need advice!

    East Carolina?? GO PIRATES!
  15. Call for the Priest!

    Oh NO! How awful!
  16. Call for the Priest!

    What would have happened if ALL the priests went in the patient's room together? Patient would have felt rather "special" I'll bet.
  17. Are there REALLY that many different nursing jobs?

  18. 21 RN busted my arse and went year round with >credit hours.
  19. Nursing Advertisements

    Well....if they advertised what nurses REALLY do, have to tolerate, and are responsible for...umm...the nursing programs would be extinct. Everybody knows we're somewhere in a closet with Dr. McDreamy and all patients, visitors and doctors are SO ni...
  20. getting "gifts" from patient every other day

    your facility will have a written policy on this. follow protocol and ask your supervisor how you should respond to these sweet clients. :redpinkhe
  21. stupid question about weight.

    I would do the weight reports from the time of admission, which is more than likely when the order was written/received. With CHF patients, you are far more concerned with weight GAIN due to fluid overload. Don't fail to report it. Dehydration is ...
  22. frustrating doctors

    Do you have time to read "War And Peace"? BWAAAA!!!
  23. You did the right thing. I would have said "Dr. So N So, don't insult my intelligence, sir, I know what I'm doing and will call you again in the future if I see a change in a patient's status." Respectfully but firmly state your point and walk off. T...
  24. CNOR

    @Shodobe, Emeritus status is available to you when you are no longer active in the O.R. There is a one time fee and you may use CNOR(E) after your signature. ebear, RN, CNOR(E) hahaha!
  25. Burned Out.

    Gracian, your entire post is disjointed: from being a new RN, to hating HR, to possible DVT, to being evicted....with the title "Burned Out" I must be missing something.