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All Content by LorenaRN1977

  1. This May be a Dumb question but....

    Hello This may be a dumb question, but I really have no clue. Now i graduated from nursing school in December and passed my nclex in march 2008. Now am I still a graduate nurse or am i an RN? I consider myself a GN because I graduated and I don't ...
  2. This May be a Dumb question but....

    I like it that I am a RN, of course!! I just wasn't sure. LOL Thanks for your response!!!
  3. This May be a Dumb question but....

    I did receive my license from the state, very quickly actually. But i thought that Hospitals hire you as a GN even if you have your RN or not because you have no experience other than clinicals. thank you ....lol
  4. Feelings about graduation

    I am graduating this friday. I'm very excited, but at the same time I'm sad. I'm not going to see my friends as often, we went through a lot together, and this graduation is bittersweet. . . .but now is time to enter the real world, which i welco...
  5. HESI exit test takers.......

    Remember Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. A person's first priority is physiological needs, then safety and security, love and belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization. Make sure physical needs are met before choosing a psychosocial answer. Also re...
  6. HESI exit test takers.......

    Nope, I didn't use the HESI book. I don't like the way they explain things. I read only saunders, didn't do that many questions, because no matter how many questions you do if you don't know the material then it doesn't work. Don't get me wrong, d...
  7. HESI exit test takers.......

    I studied from Saunders. I read most of all the systems and took the questions at the end of the chapter. You will do fine if you studied. Lots of people in my class didn't pass, but not because they didnt know the material, it was because they di...
  8. HESI exit test takers.......

    Hey. I took the HESI ALREADY. it was not as bad as I thought. If you studied for it you should be fine. :) let me know how you do.
  9. HESI exit test takers.......

    Hey Jessi. I was wondering if you could tell me more about what is Suzanne's review. My Hesi comes up in late october/November and I want to pass it. I wondering if you could let me know what that was, since it worked for you, maybe it will work fo...