

behavioral health

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About iwanna

iwanna specializes in behavioral health.

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  1. I often wondered if there was an addict that did not have an underlying mental illness diagnosis. I suspect that all addicts have substance abuse/addiction as a secondary issue. I believe the...
  2. Did I shoot myself in the foot by disclosing?

    I am sorry that you have to disclose that information. It truly does not seem fair, if they do not ask for other disclosures for other illnesses!! That is quite intrusive, especially if you have...
  3. Someone help:(

    I think that you should check with BON to check the scope of LPN in your state. IMHO, I think that nursing homes are grossly understaffed with the nurse/patient ratio. I just don't see how...
  4. Trying to get a job 6 years after graduating

    So, how was your interview? If you recently took boards and passed, then you have reviewed theory. Your skills will come back to you. Congratulations on passing the board after a 6 year
  5. Does suctioning trach's ever get easier?

    I have only had one trach patient. It did not bother me. I have had two tracheostomies myself before becoming a nurse. I have empathy for the patient with a tracheostomy. I was able to tolerate...
  6. I am a very per diem nurse for DD patients in group home setting. I just give insulin to one patient. When I first started, two additonal patients.However, I am down to one, as the other residents no...
  7. All med errors should be reported. Some nurses are more worried about their jobs than the patient. I am a human first and care for the patient. I would risk my job before I'd risk a person's life....
  8. Yes my son contacted the ombudsman. I told him that he has no proof, so he can not say that he suspects that she stole the money. He did report how she made herself POA. That is a fact. I told my...
  9. My ex-MIL is in nursing home. She had a stroke in Jan. She had a biopsy and was off her Coumadin and not bridged. By the time, she was discovered it was too late to give her anything. A little...
  10. any nurses/nursing students on methadone?

    Unfortunately, my daughter is returning to methadone clinic. She tried to do without it. She was extremely fatigued and had boy aches. I don't know, if it was long term withdrawal or effects of...
  11. Death Is A Journey

    Beautiful article!!! We had hospice for my brother. I would love to be a hospice nurse. However, I really don't have any med/surg experience. I did not become a nurse until I was 40. I...
  12. MED Error Examples (Specific to Group Homes)

    jadelpn, I agree 100%! I thought of that when I was going over it in my head. I have always been so careful with my checks. Today, I was careless! That is going to be in my plan of action for...
  13. any nurses/nursing students on methadone?

    I never heard of "fit for duty". What a croc!!!! Why is that not a HIPPA? If the dr. states that it does not impair you than that should be sufficient. I am not an addict, but I have a daughter...
  14. MED Error Examples (Specific to Group Homes)

    I just commited a med error similar to one above. I mean similar in regards to the insulin. I am an LPN and work per diem for patient on insulin. I was horrified to discover that I gave pt. 45...
  15. lovenox injections

    I have a patient that gets lovenox injections. As ordered, I must waste 5 mg of his pre-filled syringe. So, the lovenox is on the needle prior to giving the injection. I know this is very...