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About umpalumpa14588

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  1. Frustrated

    Thank you all for your stories & sharing of knowledge. I am in a difficult situation right now too. I am an LPN in LTC. Day to day goes pretty smoothly, but every once in a while, things go bad....
  2. LPN Starting Salary

    I am a new LPN in LTC in Upstate NY. I started out at $13.59 plus shift & weekend diffs, as well as incentive pay if I work a weekend that I'm not scheduled for. In that case, it is time & one...
  3. NCLEX Takers Support Thread

    I PASSED! I only had 85 questions, and immediately felt that I MUST have failed or I would have been given more questions. LOL, I know, I knew better, but anyway, I had walked into it hoping for like...
  4. NCLEX Takers Support Thread

    I take my boards tomorrow, and am losing my mind. Studying constantly, feeling fairly confident but not so sure of myself... I know that sounds wierd, but in the 85 question comprehensive test at the...
  5. Any Advice for Nursing School!!!!

    Advice... Hmmm... LOL, what can I offer you? I graduate in August and some days I wonder how the heck I did it & still worked 33+ hours a week... As others have said, get to know your class mates....
  6. LPN/2nd Semester

    We start our second trimester tomorrow, and will be covering disorders of the different body systems, and the meds used to treat the disorders. We don't do OB, peds, etc until tri
  7. CNA - licensing???

    In addition, CNA certs are issued by the
  8. Nutrition

    Have you given the ATI a try? I found it to be very
  9. Mnemonics and Memory Aids

    Something I put together to remember side effects & adverse reactions to immunizations: F- Fever I- Itching S- Stiffness H- Headache E- Edema R- Redness F- Fussy L- Localized Tenderness A-...
  10. Mnemonics and Memory Aids

    Anyone have any ideas for childhood
  11. LPN program starts in 4 months!

    4 days until my program starts. I have to retake A & P, and just took a math review course last week that they
  12. LPN Tuition-how much did you pay?

    10 month program, upstate NY, Marion S. Whelan, $4700. Paid in full by local grant, but applied for loan anyway to pay off some monthly bills, as I'm cutting back hours at
  13. Hopefull LNP student in a couple years, what can I study?

    I start my LPN program 9/4 & thet had pre-reqs. Actually all of those things were required with a C or better. That is why I am retaking A & P 1 b/c I got a C-! My instructor & I just...
  14. What kind of Backpack?

    I've heard some recommend rolling backpacks. Anyone in
  15. LTC Dignity

    What a great thread! The originator of this thread was so pisitive after such a rough first day! As many, if not all posters have said truthfully, is does change dramatically when you get out of...