

Vascular Surgery

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About stripec30

stripec30 specializes in Vascular Surgery.

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  1. My NCLEX Notes

    Bump. Thought you December grads could use these.
  2. scrubs dont fit me well

    Also try browsing craigslist for a seamstress - for like $5-7 they'll slim a shirt so it fits your torso
  3. At the three month mark on Sunday and I would say I'm about 70% competent/knowledgable/can navigate around the landmines. Making some mistakes for the first time are out of my control; but I am able...
  4. What is an irregular heart beat???

  5. case management interview at Samuel Merritt

    They're looking for someone who can be well rounded and interact with people from all different kinds of backgrounds, ethnicities and
  6. My most important tip for a nursing student is....

    If it seems pretty easy, you're missing
  7. lol. They're always in need of nurses too. The company makes around a $400 million dollar/year profit and essentially is taking advantage of an economic situation to avoid paying nurses for work...
  8. As an LVN you can complete an LVN to RN bridge program that's about a year long. There are less people applying for these programs also. Just
  9. The female Filipino nurses wild and freaking crazy.
  10. Looking in Sac area

    Honestly your best bet is volunteering in a hospital and making connections. That being said: UC Davis keeps spots open specifically for new grads. Most managers prefer you have experience at the...
  11. Anyone Up For Random FACT THROWING??

    This is by far one of the best threads I've ever read. Worth reading through each page. Yeah, there are some repeats but it just helps with the memorization.
  12. WANTED: Nursing student tidbits of advice

    If it hasn't been said already: Grab an NCLEX book and follow along with what you're covering in class (eg. peds, maternity, cardiac,
  13. Qualified New Grad RN, No one wants to hire!!!!!

  14. Best scrub store sacramento area

    2nd vote for uniform advantage. They've got a great clearance section.
  15. Yes, in hospitals.