IMC, ICU, cath lab, admin.

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JJGRN specializes in IMC, ICU, cath lab, admin..

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  1. I work in an IMC unit, and we have all of our patients on tele & continuous pulse ox monitoring; my understanding of progressive care is that it is telemetry
  2. 6 month evals?

    Are the evaluations to help them improve their performance? Maybe once you get the results of the things your department can improve upon, ask them individually how they can make a difference to...
  3. I desperately need advice

    I agree with KatKonk, your rights were violated!! As a manager, I cannot ask any of my employees if they are taking medications or have any sort of medical condition. You should file a formal...
  4. Intermittent FMLA: The joke's on us

    Our hospital has a similar intermittent FMLA policy. It is very frustrating to the staff that are left working short. We try to stay on top of the FMLA absences and once they reach their 12 weeks,...
  5. Help with Staff Moral

    Why don't you present the data to your staff, and ask them what they think of the poor results.... Sometimes the surveys can be very misleading.... I received some results that were really low...
  6. Secretary infighting

    Wow... This is a bad situation all the way around. Not only was the cursing an example of lateral violence... but it sounds like Jill has no respect for your authority in saying to not get involved...
  7. RN educator role/ assistant-manager

    We also have unit based educators within our organization. The educators are responsible for coordinating orientation, unit based inservices, weekly tracers, chart reviews of certain quality...
  8. I have to disagree. Would this behavior be more intolerable if the patient were harmed by the neglect of this nurse? In a just culture, you examine the action of the person... did they know their...
  9. UoP dual master's program

    I went to UoP and received my BSN. As you said, earning my degree was a lot of work and by no means a "cake walk." I would have continued on at UoP for my MSN, but my employer offered more tuition...
  10. ACLS in telemetry or intermediate care units

    In our hospital, all new critical care nurses must have ACLS within the first year of hire, experienced nurses should have on hire. Since we have this policy in effect in all critical care areas, when...
  11. Do you actually wear gloves/gowns/masks ?

    Well said. Imagine how confused our patients and families must be, seeing different caregivers coming in to the room with or without PPE. I've actually heard one patient remind her doctor that he...
  12. I don't think the ANA membership would enhance your resume that much IMHO, but one thing I would look for is if you've accepted leadership roles in your current position. Are you involved in any...
  13. Patient Discharge Practice

    We are currently looking at our discharge practices because of the impact it will have on our bedflow. Right now, we do not have a standard for the time between written order and out the door. We do...
  14. Do you actually wear gloves/gowns/masks ?

    Michael, When we first started swabbing all of our ICU admissions, we also swabbed 50 ICU nurses because we heard the same excuses from them about not needing to wear PPE "because we were all positive...
  15. Magnet Hospital Status

    I don't believe that Magnet Hospitals get a higher reimbursement rate, but Magnet hospitals do have to show that their quality performance is above the national average. So if your hospital or state...