

Utilization Review/Case Management

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About trudlebug

trudlebug has 14 years experience and specializes in Utilization Review/Case Management.

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  1. Looking for some advice before making a mistake.

    If you want to look at the Military option: They will pay tuition/student loans for physicians, nurses, and other healthcare jobs. I don't know the service obligations, but many people do this. I know...
  2. I work in Utilization Review on the insurance plan side. I have seen bills over one million dollars for many NICU babies. I think the highest one was almost 6 million. Frequently I see bills that...
  3. An Open Letter for Patients in America's Healthcare System With the Affordable Care Act causing so many changes and questions in healthcare, more people are asking questions about what it means to...
  4. Roll Call Graduation May 2013

    Hi fellow OU grads of 2013! I see no more red on my DARS either :) We did
  5. CIWA woes

    CIWA - What does CIWA stand for? Acronyms and abbreviations by Acronym, Definition. CIWA, Clinical Institute Withdrawal
  6. ED to Hospice

    I left the ED just over a year ago and am now working as a home hospice case manager for the same reasons you listed in your post (OP). I got tired of doing "everything" for those who you know were...
  7. Hospice nursing...reality check....

    Is this a RN/case management position, or possibly a "float nurse" type of position? We have both, and as far as case management, well the schedule is not usually quite that flexible. But we have a...
  8. Nurses who are also Veterinary Techs

    I was a vet tech - started in the kennels and worked all positions, ending up as a full time surgical tech. I loved it, but as a PP said, the cost of living made me look elsewhere. (also, I had a...
  9. A comic going to the ER

    OMG - I think I heard them at work today (out moaning each other :roll) I don't often laugh out loud when I'm watching these alone, but this one got
  10. Isn't that a way of reorienting the patient? Albeit, only the immediate "now" is being addressed. That is probably all an end stage dementia patient can handle anyway. But it still can be a form of...
  11. good advice, worth
  12. Yes (see my other
  13. was this for a psych class? if so, then they definitely would want you to try to re-orient the patient (sorry, client:icon_roll). in the world of nursing school, the only possible answer is d, but in...
  14. Got hurt at work, sad :( and a vent, too...(long)

    Quick update, finally got the MRI done last week, but won't get the official results until Monday. Still not allowed to go back to work, clinic still won't tell me if I can start to exercise or not....
  15. Got hurt at work, sad :( and a vent, too...(long)

    Got my MRI today, now I just have to wait for the results...hopefully by Tuesday I should have some more information. I haven't even gone in or called work this week, decided to get some Christmas...