
unikuelady RN

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About unikuelady


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  1. I would sit on the porch of my country house, listen to the wind blow through the trees, birds singing and build
  2. Talking to your neonate patients

    my co-workers think i'm a bit crazy...well ok so I am...but thats not the point. I have always introduced myself to every pt I care for. I always tell the baby what I am going to do to them before I...
  3. I need to hear from the real nurses!

    :yeahthat: I would encourage you to do some deep soul searching and figure out why you want to become a nurse. I have worked with many a bedside nurse who had vast amount of knowledge about the...
  4. no supplies for patient care

    Thank you everyone for your replies. I think bombarding the house supervisor with a list just might do the trick. I will try that tonight by going in a few minutes early and checking out the...
  5. no supplies for patient care

    An increasing problem has been not enough supplies are being stocked on my unit so that by night shift we run out and are not able to obtain them until day shift. I'm not talking about enough tissues...
  6. Has anyone started out in Postpartum/Nursery?

    I started out in mother/baby couplet care. After working for 5 years there I earned my RNC in Maternal/newborn. I always wanted to work in NICU and had to wait for an opening at my facility. I have...
  7. Needing advice from NICU nurses.

    Whoa there...You are going to get the infants of the intoxicated, drug addicted, non-compliant diabetic, psychiatric parents and have to deal with not only the consequesces of mothers actions to the...
  8. Is your facility like this?

    My hospital has what is called the clinical ladder program. This is where the bedside nurse is rewarded(5% pay raise) for going above and beyond her basic duties. We have 3 levels. There are a...
  9. Did anyone watch 20/20 last night? transgendered children

    Hi everyone. I live with a transgender male to female who is very willing to answer any questions that anyone has about this subject. She is 57yrs old and is very interested in educating the...
  10. Fractured Pubic Symphysis when pushing?!

    This happened to me! It occured during the nvd of my 9lb 8oz baby girl. It was not confirmed until almost a year after her delivery by x-ray. I had alot of continious dull pain at the site for that...
  11. Fear Factor, Nurse Style, Five Stunts... lol

    how about seeing who can catch the most cockroaches after they jump/scuury out of your homeless patients clothing and then dig out the eggs laid in the wounds.:sofahider now where are those pesky...
  12. Undermining Authority

    Hmmmmm could this be another example of "Keeping the patient happy-even if its not in their best interest" just to ENSURE good patient satisfaction
  13. Can't mix drugs??

    The only units in my facility allowed to mix their own medications is the ER ICU and the NICU. This is only allowed during the 8 hours at night when their is no pharmacist in house. When we do...
  14. First Day: Any tips?

    The minimum basics are: normal vital sign ranges, normal blood sugar ranges and the less you handle a micro-preemie / sick kid the better. keep your voice low, keep your eyes and ears open. Ask...
  15. Comparing new job with the old one...help!

    The LAST thing that a long term nurse wants to hear from a new employee is: At my last hospital WE DID IT THIS WAY, your place is out of date, not good enough equipment.....etc. it gets old really...