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About dontra07

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  1. Did u guys study the day before your boards?

    Yes! I did SATA questions! I passed with 75 Q. 25
  2. Failed my first time

    try hope it helps!
  3. The Nclex-Rn and the Pop up

  4. a math Q

    short cut method: 1000 divide 12 divide 4 = 20.8 or 21gtt/min formula: if drop factor is 15 use divide 4 if drop factor is 20 use divide 3 if drop factor is 10 use...
  5. I took the NCLEX-PN today...

  6. took nclex pn this evening...

  7. Just took the NCLEX..and....

  8. Yeah, you can answer it again if you still have time to gauge your knowledge and to know if there's really something retained in your mind.And it will help you to boost your confidence...
  9. Steps in applying NCLEX in Florida?

    Try to call them, or go to there website. goodluck!
  10. Passed NCLEX! OMG!!!!

  11. :ancong!::yeah:
  12. Michigan Nclex RN test takers

    You try this one... .
  13. Horrible feeling after taking the Nclex

  14. Around 115 questions on NCLEX-RN

  15. NCLEX-RN REVIEWER, anyone?

    Saunders 5th edition and Exam Cram...