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All Content by CJStudent

  1. Ok. Now I'm really frustrated. I was sitting in that room for over 3 hours and watching the questions count all the way to 265. I was the last person to leave. I'm not feeling very confident. I know most of you said that it shut off after 75 question...
  2. Burnt Out!!!

    Hey gang! I am so burnt out! I have been in school for a total of 9 years! First, I was working full time and went to school part time and got my Associates degree. (Not in Nursing- and it took 5 years...) Then I had the great idea to transfer to...
  3. First Year As A Registered Nurse

    My job is going great and I LOVE it! I am working part time in a Pediatric office where the hours are great! I have found this experience to be very rewarding. It can be a very "laid back" atmosphere but this has been a relief since working as a Nurs...
  4. What suprised/shocked you the most?

    Hmm...I would have to say the big shocker was how much I didn't know, or didn't learn in school! Good luck!
  5. Things are going great!

    Things are going great! I started a new job last week in a pediatric office. The hours are awesome (part-time-exactly what I wanted) and I even get great benefits including paid time off. The atmosphere is laid back and the time goes by very quickly....
  6. I Passed!!!

    Congrats to everyone!
  7. Stressed Out!!!Help

    I agree that it stinks! I hated A&P and the thought of having to do that all over again just makes me cringe! However, it will probably help you in the long run. I can't tell you how many times I wished I had paid more attention/studied harder w...
  8. married nursing students.................

    When we were graduating, they had these certificates that you could purchase for your spouse that said something about "in dedication for putting up with all of the care plans, all nighters, stress, etc...in an effort toward my degree" and you had th...
  9. I Passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry for above...I hit enter by mistake! What I meant was Yeah, me too! Congratulations to you!
  10. I Passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah, me too!
  11. What to expect on new job???

    Yes, it just depends on where you go and what field you are going into. I started a new job last monday at a Pediatric office (I found out I passed my boards the same week.) I followed a nurse for about 2 days. Now I am working on my own, asking ques...
  12. studying 4 nclex w/o.............................

    Yes, I had a lot of priority questions, too. It would be hard to study for these types of questions. I studied from several review type books and did the corresponding cd's that went with the books. However, I agree that all would be disappointing re...
  13. NCLEX changes

    That's odd. When I took it I did not have any drug calculations or any fill in the blank- no new format questions here. I'm glad! Let us know how you did! Congrats on getting it over with!

    I took mine friday and received the results by mail today that I PASSED! Yes, we CAN do this!
  15. Do people really pass after 265 Questions-NCLEX

    Oh my Gosh! I just received something from my State Board of Nursing that says I can officially be known as "Registered Nurse!" I guess this means I passed?!?!?! Thank you to all of you for your advice and support! So just because you get the max nu...
  16. Should I do nursing or not?

    I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up! I just graduated last month with my BSN. When I started the nursing program, I felt as apprehensive as you did. I often had to question myself along the way as to where I wanted to go in this field...
  17. Good luck and let us know. I took mine on friday and went all the way to 265! Talk about anxiety! I am waiting the results! Dress comfortable...the place where I went was FREEZING inside and I had on jeans....sitting there for over 3 hours didn't hel...
  18. Newbie

    Good luck to you and remember to have some fun! Your classes will be difficult at times...be sure to learn the entry level stuff well, like Anatomy and Physiology, biololgy and chemistry...your classes will build from these basics. Your state boards...
  19. Some pre-nursing school reading/studying

    I recommend Medical Terminology. It will benefit you throughout school and your career. Good luck!
  20. Taking NCLEX June 23-27????

    Well, I am not feeling very good because I went all the way to 265 questions! I kept sitting there thinking, "oh, cut off already," but it just kept going and going. I do not know what to think of this. I do not test well but usually I "barely" pass...
  21. Taking NCLEX June 23-27????

    Whew-hew for you. I take my test in the morning! We CAN do it!
  22. Whew Hew!

    On Spring Break and LOVING it. Only 58 more days until graduation! That equals, 6 more mondays, 6 more fridays, 14 more clinicals... and final exams. Almost there! For all of you just starting hang in there- the end will be here before you know it....
  23. Last Semester Stress Anyone???

    I'm having a different kind of stress- like everyone keeps asking me where am I going to work, what do I want to do, etc. We have to make a resume next week, and I don't even know what my objective is going to be. I keep circling around and around ...
  24. Also, there is a maternal diagnosis book that you can get...kind of like Carpenito (don't know if you use that). It should be available in your bookstore. I found it to be very helpful with this kind of stuff. I never bought one but I borrowed someo...
  25. We lost 2 more Friday...

    Yeah, you really have to want it to make it in this type of program. I hate math but I made it through the calculations...med surg was another story. Anyway, good luck.