Wise Guy

Wise Guy

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All Content by Wise Guy

  1. I started prereq's when i was 23 and nursing school at 25
  2. Male nurse crying!!!

    I have cried out of frustration, exhaustion, sadness, i cried when i woke up from hernia surgery (anesthesia), i cried when i watched Ladder 49, Rudy, Forrest Gump, and i have been made fun of for crying. I am a man and i believe it is ok for a man...
  3. Advantages/Disadvantages being a male in nursing

    I agree with everything Steve said, plus chicks dig male nurses.
  4. Attributes of a great nurse

    -What makes a great nurse? -Who is the greatest nurse you know? Who are they? What are they like? What makes them the greatest nurse you know? -What makes a bed nurse? -Who is the worst nurse you know? I'm sure we all have our own ideas of wha...
  5. What are the best BLACK PENS

    I very highly recomend the Zebra F-301... perfect size, stainless steel, very fine point, no smuge, it's a hangy clicky which is absolutely essential, durable, lasts forever, professional looking, inexpensive. Someone recomended the F-402... also ...
  6. How many in your class Started/Finished

    This thread is discouraging... yes, educational, but discouraging. I'm a first year student in an RN program and I've been thinking (but haven't really made any decisions) about grad school and these statistics don't really give me a warm fussy fe...
  7. Wait until class starts so you can see what's required to have, or may or may not be allowed (i.e. tape recorders for lectures) and then re-read this thread.