Our system leadership mandated a minimum BSN requirement and won't accept applications from nurses with an Associate degree. Yet they are willing to moan, groan and complain about the severe nursing...
OP: "Definitely thinking about different degree, since experience is the only way to open up other nursing positions, but I am not about to work bedside for 10 years. I would rather go back to...
The downside in my hospital is that a lot of the MDs simply don't want to put in electronic orders. Many are older and although they may be comfortable with a computer they are not proficient with a...
I teach electronic perioperative documentation to our newly hired associates. It is obvious that many of the more mature nurses simply don't use the computer in any ongoing capacity. I always...
Saw it lots when I worked on a geriatric med-surg floor. Sometimes with dementia (back when we called it organic brain syndrome), sometimes with tardive dyskensia, sometimes just because. To prevent...
The entire staff of the hospital should obviously have mandatory education provided on how to knock on a door. Of course someone will have to develop a policy on how loud the knock should be and the...
Wow. I couldn't even begin to imagine. Makes me even more thankful for the good old Diploma program days. I received a stellar education with tons of hands-on clinical time, passed "boards" with ease...
:yeah:well said!! the total truth in a nutshell. there is no nursing shortage. there never has been and with the number of new grads cranked out every year there will not be a nursing shortage in any...
Sadly a lot of places are interviewing, but still not filling positions. If you have a stong education with a string of degrees behind your name, recruiters want more experience. If you are...
This article only PROVES that THERE IS NO NURSING SHORTAGE - and that there never has been. There is simply a shortage of nurses who are willing to work in understaffed, underpaid positions. "hospital...
Sadly this is a scenario that will repeat itself as more and more emphasis is placed on the number of letters after your name rather than the number of years of experience you have. I have not worked...