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All Content by idatz3

  1. hey... i will be starting sept 09 and want to ask for you opinion on where to find housing?? thanks.
  2. Free anesthesia medication/flash cards

    I would love to have a copy of your flash cards. THANKS!
  3. acute care vs critical care

    Hi everyone, Just a quick general question... i hear many things on acute care vs critical care. What is considered acute care? Could that be the ED? I understand the critical care is comprised of all ICUs. In some schools, it is specified that CR...
  4. School tuition????????/

    Hello everyone, I am highly interested in the nurse anesthesia program and plan to pursue this degree next fall. But out of curiosity, what is the average school tuition for this program? Thanks!
  5. School tuition????????/

    Thanks for your replies!