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All Content by lacosa

  1. Apollo College RN Program

    @ Shanahan please don't get upset with me. Every student have had different experiences. Good luck to you.
  2. Apollo College RN Program

    @TCA, I was accepted into Gcu ST joes fast track rn program to find out later that they wouldn't be starting their program right away and so I went with Apollo. I do admit they will work with you financially. However, Gcu is accredited and their fas...
  3. Apollo College RN Program

    If I could go back in time I would have saved my money, apply to get into a community college and wait. Apollo College is a shady program. I should have known better when I ran into a student that told me "if the professors don't like you they will f...
  4. Failed from clinical

    Wow I thought I was the only one experiencing this situation of failing clinicals. First of all, I don't believe your instructor should have failed you without warning. Secondly, what's her beef? Whatever it is who cares? Go to your dean. I failed be...
  5. Apollo College questions

    Hi, Miss Amber Why is it 50K? Did they change the price or something?
  6. Will i be hard to find a job?

    So Trini, are you still considering moving back to NY?
  7. Accepted into Nursing Program!!!

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! I recently got accepted into GCU's nursing program as well. After 1 and 1/2 of anxiety, I finally got accepted. I was always worried that my gpa would prevent me from getting in, but my hard work, determination and faith he...
  8. What are the pre-reqs for your Nursing Program

    Hello everyone, I recently got accepted into GCU's nursing program. After 1 and 1/2 of anxiety, I finally got accepted. I was always worried that my gpa would prevent me from getting in, but my hard work, determination and faith help pull me throug...
  9. A&P II Winter/Spring '08

    I have taken a quiz on the cardiovascular system and noticed that my prof gets most of his questions from the companion site of the textbook I'm not sure what textb...
  10. Last pre-req. before starting NS!!!

    That's GREAT!!!! this class is fairly easy. I'm sure that you will do well. By the way what school do you attend?
  11. A&P II Winter/Spring '08

    sunnyroad were on the same page. i am taking a&p ii, micro (8weeks) online, a 3-week cna course, and patho(online) along with nur207 therapeutic assesment in the second 8-weeks. but i am hanging in there and looking out for those stickies. i th...
  12. A&P II Winter/Spring '08

    hello, all! i start this class jan. 07 and thanx for the lecture notes.
  13. Nursing Program @Grand Canyon University

    Im currently applying to GCU, and would lthe ove some advice about the school (applying, resident life, academics, etc...) please reply if you have any pertinent info. thanx