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All Content by heartrn35

  1. Nurse with very strange behavior.

    I find it very interesting that nurses are very quick to cut each others throats. This is a nurse that is a good patient advocate, and by discription is a good nurse except for some "strange behavior". Yet we have already diagnosed her brought her ...
  2. Finally got THE CALL

    This week I finally got the call I've been waiting for...I'm accepted to Pitt. Now I can stop banging my head against the wall and just enjoy the time left before school starts. I thank all of those who encouraged me to continue even when I did not ...
  3. Finally got THE CALL

    Just got done with a little golf weekend, stunk up the course but really enjoyed it knowing there would be very few left. Thank you.
  4. What went wrong????

    I'm feeling a little confused. I thought I would be a shoe in for anesthesia school. I have 9 years of CTICU, two years of step down before that, I understand hemodynamics well enough to teach others (always room for improvement), I graduated magna...
  5. What went wrong????

    californianurse, Thanks for your reply. I did make alternate at Pitt and hope to get in there but hoping doesn't get me anywhere. I'm planning on getting my CCRN, becoming a ACLS instructor, getting on my Code committee, and other like minded chang...
  6. What went wrong????

    Suzanne Thank you for your reply. In retrospect I did not realilze that the interveiw held that much power, and I may have come in overly confident. I don't think that I was obnoxious but may not have had the best questions to ask them, and I gave b...
  7. What went wrong????

    Over the past Nine years I have worked in five different CTICUs. In each that I was staff (I also did travel assignments), I was in charge after completion of orientation. In my current position I am responsible for orientation for new open heart n...
  8. Too anxious for SICU? (long)

    ggfifi, I have to question what you are anxious about? I mean I know that ICU is an anxiety producing experience, but just make sure that your focus is correct. Worry about what your patients need, tasks you need to accomplish, thinking things thro...
  9. Need some advice...

    Carbonef11 If you are absolutely sure that the ICU isn't for you go to your manager and let him/her know your thoughts. They are nurses with usually boatloads of experience and they can help direct you with your departure. This way also make your r...
  10. Teamwork inside the ICU

    I think all to often we get focused on our patients as only our patients and we need to see them as more. The families are nore than people who interupt your schedule and complicate your days with questions that we don't know the answer to. Yes the...
  11. Is the AA profession gaining ground?

    Your right I am being arrogant and dismissive. 1) If you have read this whole thread even you must see there is a LOT of animosity r/t CRNA vs. AA. 2) As a nurse I would expect you to see the strength of an ICU experienced nurse over a non-clinical...
  12. Is the AA profession gaining ground?

    I'd respond to this but there has been too much bloodshed over this particular thread and...you just aint worth it!
  13. Has anyone heard from Pitt,Excela, or A/V?

    I'm just wondering if anyone has heard from any of the Pittsburgh area programs about interveiws for the fall 2008 semester. I have all my paperwork in and the wait is just making me a little antsy. Either way just like to hear from those in the sam...
  14. You can put any spin on it you would like, or more truthfully you can put any label on it you would like. The truth is the gov't would control the purse strings. Not directly but indirectly. When the gov't says there can only be "X" number of medic...
  15. Do you really think that a Gov't run health care system is a good idea. We are talking about the same people who can't ever balance a budget. These people think that balancing the budget is done by raising taxes. And you want them in charge of our...
  16. CRNA applicant

    Couldn't agree more. If you bring the skeletons out of the closet and let everyone know that you learned from your mistakes, then you will never have to worry about the skeletons being pulled out and used to beat you.
  17. To all CRNAs

    I am obviously biased but if they are really looking for experience with verts, pa lines, vasoactive gtts, etc, and they are seen most often in CTICU then why go anywhere else?????
  18. Has anyone heard from Pitt,Excela, or A/V?

    Heard from Pitt on Monday (10/22) and have an interview for early December. Best of luck to everyone.
  19. Has anyone heard from Pitt,Excela, or A/V?

    Hey all, got a call from allegheny valley yesterday and now have interveiws with both excela and allegheny valley set up for the next couple of weeks. thanks for the support so far, I'm sure I'll need more in the next few weeks.:trout:
  20. What medical term do you dislike the most ?

    Yes, but once your patient has expired they must be bagged! I know its a bad joke but you put both word together.:trout:
  21. Has anyone heard from Pitt,Excela, or A/V?

    Thanks for the heads up. I'm more worried about the clinical quetions at allegheny valley, I hear they can be a little brutal.
  22. "Maybe you shouldn't be a nurse"

    When I was in nursing school one of my instructors said "The problem with nursing is that nurses eat their young." At the time I thought that I had never heard something so odd. 10+ years later it was probably the truest thing I learned in nursing sc...
  23. Has anyone heard from Pitt,Excela, or A/V?

    Hey all, Excela finally let me off the hook and sent me the message I've been waiting for; "After reveiwing your application, I would like to extend the opportunity to interview you for next years class." For some reason I'm not really releaved. Gue...
  24. Gre?

    Studied casually about 3-4 monthes and then intensely for about 1.5 months. Scored well enough, but I tend to be fairly intense and my length of study may have been overkill. The important part is it's done!
  25. How old is everyone?

    I'm 39 now, if I start in fall 08 that makes me 42 when I complete. I'm not going to get any younger and I can't keep doing what I'm doing now.