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All Content by heartrn35

  1. Milrinone vs Dobutamine

    Flat out--MD PREFERENCE
  2. Is it still for me

    Jess I've got some great news for you...your smart! If you went into work everyday and realized the amout of responsibility that rests on your tiny sholders and it did not make you question yourself then I would question your intellegence. Just rea...
  3. Thinking to far ahead?

    Nathan, Oh to be in your shoes. Young, hopefully unmarried or married with no kids, little to no debt...man you are in the drivers seat. Buckle down get your year or two or three of adult icu experience, trying to take some good prerequisties (real...
  4. Excela Interview

    Irish, Yes your friend is correct, for the most part they are not the "clinical" interveiw type. Much more of a meet and greet type sitution. They will ask how you have prepared (financially, mentally), where you plan on taking your career once you...
  5. Which ICU should I do MRICU sufficient?

    Jen, If your looking to go to CRNA school in the future the "ideal" is CTICU. This is where you will be exposed to the greatest number of vasoactive gtt's, pa lines, interventional devices, etc. They tend to be stressful, and a little "dog eat dog"...
  6. post-op cabg htn

    Don't worry sounds like we are shooting for the same target, just missing the others point do to the limitations of this type of communication. I'm cool with you. Atleast you care, there are lots who don't.
  7. Has anyone heard from Pitt,Excela, or A/V?

  8. Backbiting at work

    Aloof (Adj) Distant, esp. in one's relations with other people; indifferent. -adj, At a distance, but within veiw; apart. This is the description of how I "try" to be at work. As the only guy on the unit, I keep my ear open but the filter turned wa...
  9. Has anyone heard from Pitt,Excela, or A/V?

    Manny Go ahead and ease back on the throttle a little. Excela's interveiw is not the rapid fire clinical questions that you may be worried about. There still are some hurdles, but for the most part it is supposed to be a little less hostile than so...
  10. Anyone ever try ACLS on line?

    momdebo Started working for a big hospital system and they were pushing the online ACLS course and it was something I could do at home so why not. I've been ACLS certified for over ten years and never have I seen such nitpicky BS. Failed the test ...
  11. post-op cabg htn

    Man I am so lucky! yesterday she was 5'5" and ~100kgs, 45 yr/pack/hx, off pump cold as blue blazes, and when I pulled the tape off her eyes they opened right up and surprize she was awake. She got the diprivan until I could get her above 94 degrees. ...
  12. post open heart care info

    Hey whatnext, I know this may sound like a wierd concept but if you work on cv stepdown you have exposure to the surgeons. Most of these guys have been doing cv surgery for a LONG time, and they are really good at teaching, if you ask an intelligent...
  13. post-op cabg htn

    I agree with the zookeeper. The idea with hearts is to get them extubated as soon as possible and get them moving. Narcs and such should be avoided unless obvious pain issues (most pt's should not be having this much pain post-open heart) or extuba...
  14. Has anyone heard from Pitt,Excela, or A/V?

    Manny thanks for your reply. Got an email from excela that they had lost some of my info well such is life. Maybe I'll see you there and maybe I won't. Best of luck
  15. I'm all for the white dress and flowers, that will just show off my bright and bubbly personality. I'm sure the white dress will show off my 6'1" 240lbs frame just wonderfully. Hairy legs and all!! And if all goes well I'll light myself on fire with...
  16. Gay labeling, is it just plain mean? Or sexual harrassment?

    In my career I can't remember ever being refered to as "gay". I did have a female co-worker ask me "Are you a real man?" when she found out that I have no real interest in watching sports. I asked what she ment. She said she "just found that hard t...
  17. the AA question (Anesthesiologist Anger)

    Here is a thought...if your education is NOT nursing why don't you just leave the site. It is obvious that your deep insecurities are what brought you here, to make sure the "competition" does not figure out what is really going on. MDA's get a gr...
  18. Docs yelling at nurses....

    Surgeons are their own kind of arrogant and have yelled at me a number times usually when they have to take a patient back to the OR because they did not fix them the first time. One broke scrub to come out to the unit and tell me that "YOU KILLED TH...
  19. do any of you like codes??

    I used to love codes, wanted to be part of the code team, wanted to do compressions, push drugs, zap the crap out of people. LOVED THE RUSH. Ten plus years later I still enjoy the rush, not nearly as much but the enjoyment is still there, but I en...
  20. Why Do Anesthesiologists Despise CRNA's?

    Did you ever notice that when people say things like "sorry if it came off as inflammatory" they rarely mean it. I'm not sure what your problem is with this particular thread and I don't know you that well (but I will keep reading to find out) but y...
  21. Why Do Anesthesiologists Despise CRNA's?

    ummm, let me get this right I learned what I know about taking care of cabg/valve from nursing school. Not hardly. The first two (and possibly more) years in the ICU was nothing but learning. But the residents get to claim it when they are the one...
  22. Male nurse crying!!!

    Gentlemen, Never chimed in before, more of a listener most of the time, but for this I am going to speak. Cry over my patients and familes?? You bet. Feel rediculous when I do? Not hardly. Been riduculed for it? Yes (told I was probably in the wrong...