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  1. Can a white student get a minority scholarship?

    Someone I know got a minority scholarship at HU, who was white. No clue how, though. Nadia- love the name- thats my daughters
  2. Moms going back to school.

    I am. I have a 7.5 yr old boy,an almost 4 yr old boy, and a 21 mo old
  3. Medical Careers institute

    I think the night class meets m-thr or fri nights, and I forget when they told me clinicals were...I believe on weekends. teh schedule was incredibly overwhelming, so as a parent I decided ti was a...
  4. Medical Careers institute

    i iwll start by saying it will cost you an arm and a leg. its about $26,000 per program. they told me that in order to go into rn, I had to have medical experience or go through the lpn program at...
  5. Pre-Nursing student starting in Fall 2007

    Im startign in the fall
  6. Reasons why you want to be a nurse

    Wrobelchic- Im in VA. Lpns dont make near as much in my area as rn's. My neighbor is an lpn and makes decent money, I hear, but she also has more duties than most lpns, and has been working at it for...
  7. Reasons why you want to be a nurse

    wrobelchic- My mom was recently in the hospital- icu- and I felt the same. I didnt understand anythign going on to the level I wanted to. And I would be lying if I didnt say finances came into play....
  8. Pregnant right after giving birth?

    Its possible, but I wouldnt count fluttering as a sign. There would be no way to feel fluttering that early on. Thats more likely
  9. Reasons why you want to be a nurse

    Ive always had an interest in the medical field but wandered away from it. After re-evaluating my life and knowing I would need to start working soon, I went back to the area that my mind would...
  10. 2 lab sciences in 1 semester

    I sure hope its not too bad! From what ive read, it does seem interesting. I think micro is an 8w ummer program at my
  11. 2 lab sciences in 1 semester

    I lucked out..kind of. The ns I am planning on going to is only going to be starting night and evening classes in jan from now on, which means I wont have to take any labs together! Bad news is it...
  12. BSN Nurse to Doctor degree~ need an advice please!

    If you are already working towards your bsn, have you considered getting a masters and becoming a NP? Not a dr, but it puts you in more of a doctorly role. My experiences with drs and nurse...
  13. Rumors about acceptance to NS

    Where I am applyign says you ahve to have a minimum of a c. But It is also competitive, which means the a people get in first, I guess. But also the interview is a big part, as the lady said there...
  14. Anyone could help me wid nursing schools?

    In that case, the program i will be going to in VA doesnt have a waiting list as long as you do well in your pre-reqs and you interview well. But I don't know anything close to
  15. What are the science labs like?

    The classes sound a lot more interesting than I thought they would. i have never had a problem disecting anything, although a frog is as much as I have ever had to do. Frogs and worms. lol oh,...