KaroSnowQueen RN

Telemetry, Case Management

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All Content by KaroSnowQueen

  1. KaroSnowQueen

    Tell me someone else has felt like this....

    Time, observation and organization. When you are in orientation, take notes of the routine your preceptor uses. then use her routine, make your own observations and alter it to fit your personal way of doing things. Use a daggone checklist if you...
  2. KaroSnowQueen

    How does your hospital book beds?

    OP, you sound like you are on the sister unit to the one I used to work on!!! I understand completely, and we used to have the same thing happen, day in and day out!!! Are you in Kentucky??
  3. KaroSnowQueen

    What do you do when you come across a...

    Almost all booze has a smell, beer, whiskey,mixed drinks, they ALL have an ETOH odor to them. But so do many mouthwashes and some medications. The OP should go to her supervisor and report it to her, and let her deal with it. The nurse might be a ...
  4. KaroSnowQueen

    Why Many nurses are No-Codes

    You are preaching to the choir, pal! I would rather go on to my reward than live an existance like that - its surely not life as I would want to live it. I turn 50 this week and my living will has been signed and in the hands of my doctors and hospit...
  5. KaroSnowQueen

    Nurses Get No Respect

    I have been away from the bedside for three years now. After my first week at my desk job, I realized I hated bedside nursing with a passion. Why? Because it was one of the most stressful jobs in the world, and realized we (along with Rodney Dange...
  6. Yours Mine and Ours. I think the lady was Lucille Ball, but the husband wasn't Desi Arnaz. That said, I don't remember who it was. Gregory Peck maybe? Its been yeeeeaaarsss since I saw that movie on tv.
  7. KaroSnowQueen

    Nurses Get No Respect

    I work for a major insurance company reviewing claims. There are annoying moments in this job as well, but nothing like when I had was on the floor. As a matter of fact, the worst problem I have on a daily basis is getting people to send me faxes i...
  8. KaroSnowQueen

    What Next for an "old" nurse

    I am an "old" nurse, 50 years old this month, and 26 years as a nurse. Look for a job in a major insurance company. They hire nurses for many positions, personal nurse advisor, various health management positions, case management, case review, utli...
  9. I have been an LPN for almost 26 years and only once did I want to go back for my RN, it was so much trouble, and at that time, basically retaking everything I already knew, I abandoned that project, oh, about 15 years ago. If you're young, go ahead ...
  10. KaroSnowQueen

    What is it Like for an LPN working for an Insurance Co?

    Insurance companies are looking for people with varied experience. I work for another major ins company, and I have worked LTC, hospital, agency, home health and private duty prior to this job. They also will change up your job. At first I was do...
  11. KaroSnowQueen

    I want to leave nursing....now what do I do?!

    Another thought is to go back and get your masters/PhD in nursing and go into nursing/medical research. Or go for some career counseling, and see what Bachelors/Masters degrees you can get without a whole lot more schooling, building on the bachelor...
  12. Just because you have more education than I do, does NOT mean you are more intelligent than I am.
  13. KaroSnowQueen

    HELP My Alcohol Past May Ruin Career - ISNAP Related

    I am no expert, but I don't think you can retake the NCLEX once you've already passed it. And so far as fighting the BON and ISNAP, I doubt you'll have much luck. You can consult an attorney and see what he/she will advise you to do. What concerns ...
  14. KaroSnowQueen

    Nurse Vs Daughter! Help Me!!!

    My dad and I became estranged in 1997, and I didn't speak to him again until 2006. He also had a new wife I wasn't in love with. I wrote him a one page letter explaining my feelings to him after my aunt called me and told me he had a stroke. He ca...
  15. KaroSnowQueen

    Colds and ATB

    THAT I find a bit rude and presumptuous.............maybe its just me but as an LPN who learned this (antibiotics no good for viral infections) in LPN school 26 years ago I take exception to that remark.......maybe I just need a nap.....
  16. KaroSnowQueen

    How many LPN's Don't Plan To Pursue the RN Title?

    Me! I've been an LPN for 26 years. I started to go back for my RN, but it was basically start all over again (this was in the mid 90's), and I just didn't see the point. I have burned out on bedside nursing, and pray to God that I can keep my cur...
  17. KaroSnowQueen

    Who plays the "I'm a Nurse Card"?

    I don't announce it but I have had to tell a doc who was inferring we would not be able to understand some test results "as laymen". I then put on my pita hat and tell him I have been a nurse for over 26 years, and please give me the opportunity to ...
  18. KaroSnowQueen

    When death is imminent (long).........

    I think its wonderful that you think of this and try to help them in their last days/hours. Addressing the dying patient's spiritual needs OUGHT to be a priority, as it often helps the family as much as the patient.
  19. KaroSnowQueen

    Done, can anyone relate and share?

    I didn't read all the posts, but to the OP, I feel ya, been there, done that. After my mom died in a sudden violent manner, I felt no sympathy for the screaming wailing family members of a patient whom everyone KNEW was going to die for the past si...
  20. KaroSnowQueen

    What advise would you give to your younger self?

    Go to RN school, find a way and make it happen right out of school!!! Leave boys alone, they are trouble!! Do NOT take your mother's advice on this!!!
  21. KaroSnowQueen

    mandatory 15 min breaks...

    PLEASE!!! TAKE YOUR BREAKS. I know you are busy and feel it cuts into your work time, but all work and no breaks is a great set up for burn out and physical and mental exhaustion.
  22. KaroSnowQueen

    Mandatory cut-off age for being a bedside nurse?

    I will be 50 next month. I have already left the bedside, three years ago and taken a desk job. I personally say OH YEAH!!! And if they want to pay me to retire completely and sit on my duff sipping iced tea and reading mystery novels, at age 55, ...
  23. KaroSnowQueen

    Things you wish you knew when you were young?

    If I could go back and give my 17 year old self all the knowledge and memories I have at 50, I would have had an entirely different life. And avoided a lot of heartache.
  24. My daughter is getting her PhD in Nursing from the University of Louisville. Part of her curriculum is to teach classes to undergraduates. She is definitely going into the research sector when she completes her courses, but I thought I would throw ...
  25. I like having a life. An MD is "on call" all the time. I would go insane having people call me all hours of the day and night. I would like to have all the knowledge an MD has in addition to what I already have, but not at the expense of my everyd...