KaroSnowQueen RN

Telemetry, Case Management

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All Content by KaroSnowQueen

  1. KaroSnowQueen

    Dressing up on Halloween... unprofessional?

    I was under the impression that all countries with a UK history (UK, Canada, USA) all celebrated Halloween. Am I incorrect in that idea? I seriously don't know.:confused:
  2. KaroSnowQueen

    Wrong for all the right reasons?

    Soooooo, did the other nurse take the test? If it were me, and that's easy to say when I'm not there and not involved, I would think acceptance of the test, "Why yes of course I'll take it. I have nothing to hide," and proclaiming the completely c...
  3. KaroSnowQueen

    Calling in: different time frame for night and day shifts?

    When I worked the floor, day shift had to call in one hour prior to shift (altho they were thrilled if it was earlier), and second/third had to call in at least two hours before.
  4. KaroSnowQueen

    Annoyed- Surgical Tech does NOT equal Nurse!

    I am an LPN with 26+ years experience and I would go toe to toe with any RN in anything below an ICU setting. Yes, they have had a longer education, but IMHO that doesn't make them "better" than I am. We BOTH have 'nurse' in our title. I know there...
  5. KaroSnowQueen

    Feeling like a bad mom

    If your kids are very small, they will remember very little of this time period. I know its hard, especially when they are old enough to verbalize how much they miss you!!! But I talk about that time period with my kids and none of them remember an...
  6. KaroSnowQueen

    Did i do something wrong? CPR question

    OP, you are fine. I cannot count the number of people whose ribs I have broken during CPR. It happens, it is an "expected" thing. IF you are able to bring them back, a few broken ribs are nothing compared to the alternative (death).
  7. If I have a patient assigned to me that I think might cause a conflict, I go to the charge before report is done and ask that this pt be switched off my assignment. Usually they are glad to do this, and in all actuality, I have never had to do it. (...
  8. KaroSnowQueen

    Do you give meds without seeing the MDs order if he MAR has been checked?

    Excuse my terminology here, but ARE THEY HIGH???!!!!????? *wine:smokin: WHO in the world would have actual time for that? If you are checking for original orders for five (or eight!) patients, some of whom may have come from other facilities and/o...
  9. KaroSnowQueen

    is this considered a drug diversion?

    This is two things: 1. a "serious" case of missing paper - call the pharm for another one, make one up out of blank paper, whatever. It is NOT drug diversion if all the drugs are present and accounted for, even if their piece of paper isn't. 2. a SE...
  10. KaroSnowQueen

    Fired because they "can't afford me"...now what?

    WHAT A FLIPPIN' JERK HE IS!!!!! I don't have any job advice but I sure would be doctor shopping! I hope things get better for you!
  11. KaroSnowQueen

    Are LPN's being Phased Out?

    I have been an LPN for 27 years now. They were saying "They're going to phase out LPNs" back before I went to LPN school, and I have heard it said off and on over the years. And it also depends on the state you work in, what LPNs can and cannot do. ...
  12. KaroSnowQueen

    Is this wrong?

    Go to your interview. Ask questions. Ask for a tour of the facility. Have the nurses at your current employer actually worked at this hospital? Or is it hear say, or even worse, sour grapes because they feel some sort of rivalry, acute care nurses...
  13. KaroSnowQueen

    would it be appropiate for me to attend the funeral?

    My nephew died of leukemia a few years back. He had it for five years and several of the nurses from the Children's hospital drove 50 miles to their rural church for the services. I still think that was so sweet of them to come and show their love ...
  14. KaroSnowQueen

    LTC is making me hate nursing!!!

    I am afraid every LTC I ever worked at was that way. Even if it wasn't when I started and a couple weren't, eventually the company gets sold, or an administrator quits or moves on, and the new management wants to shine. So they cut staff, cut suppl...
  15. KaroSnowQueen

    About transgendered patients

    Several years ago we had this in an LTC. A "female" patient known as (fake name) Susie Brown. Wore makeup, ladies clothes, ladies jewelry. Had breasts, wore a brassiere, but also had a penis. Legal name (fake name) John Brown. Her chart said Susie (J...
  16. KaroSnowQueen

    How do you balance your med pass?

    OP, as may have seen, you are not alone. Even those of us who have worked somewhere for years, get in a rhythm, and are doing good, we can get side tracked by the unexpected (a fall, unexpected MD visit, family members who come in to yell at you abo...
  17. KaroSnowQueen

    Can they fire you for not picking up overtime?

    Caller ID and/or a machine. DO NOT ANSWER IT IF IT IS WORK!!!!!!!!!!!! Next time you work and they ask if you got the message, "Oh yes , but it was long past shift starting time when I got home and heard it. So sorry!" even if all you did was lay...
  18. I have been : spit on, slapped, punched, kicked, had my fingers twisted, my hair pulled, my glasses yanked off, had my arm broken by a male patient who was being actually physically restrained by at least three other co workers during the attack, cal...
  19. KaroSnowQueen

    Is it legal for them to have me take sick call unpaid?

    For those two hours each day you should make your hourly wage, with overtime if applicable. You should also be reimbursed for a portion of your phone bill. If they don't like that, then they should give you a company cell phone. I would bill them...
  20. KaroSnowQueen

    Highchairs Do You Like Them?

    NO!!! I am short, I am round, I am old, and they are a nuisance to get up on. Even if I wasn't old and round, I am still short, and incoordinated as heck, and still wouldn't like them. Then I have to stttrrreeetttccchhh my legs to slide off halfway...
  21. KaroSnowQueen

    It cost me $59.25 just to apply for a job?

    IF you don't get hired, I'd ask for a copy of all that paperwork so you could take it with you to other places who might ask for it. I would HOPE if you do get hired, that at least some of that money would be returned on your first check......
  22. KaroSnowQueen

    Turmoil with salary vs lifestyle - need advice.

    Save up your money, then plan to move somewhere that the housing cost and general cost of living is less. I live 50 miles from the nearest large city, and commuted for years (an hour each way). Yes, the commute's a pain, but the lower cost of livi...
  23. KaroSnowQueen

    I need 25 people to answer the following question....

    Yes. Might have a different degree, might have taken a different path in this profession, but Yes I would still have been a nurse.
  24. KaroSnowQueen

    Top 3 Qualities of an LPN

    1. Knowledgable 2. Organized 2. Concerned
  25. KaroSnowQueen

    Another nurse bites the dust due to facebook

    I used the name of my employer a few months ago to see how many people identified themselves on FB, and was appalled to see how many there were! I do NOT list my employer, and never ever say anything about work, other than maybe an occasional nod to...