
tattooednursie LVN

Mostly LTC, some acute and some ER,

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About tattooednursie

tattooednursie is a LVN and specializes in Mostly LTC, some acute and some ER,.

LVN upgrading to RN/BSN

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  1. Something to brighten your day

    Awwww!!! Thank you.
  2. How many miles/minutes do you drive to work?

    I walk actually. I have the blessing/curse of living 4 doors down from the facility I work
  3. Cussed out and disprespected by CNA

    VERY small community here. . .and it's not always a good thing. There truely are a lot of us who have eachothers back, but would not put eachother in a position of detriment. The hard thing is when...
  4. Cussed out and disprespected by CNA

    Very true. I think that what was meant to be said is SOME CNA's have no concept. Not all of them by any means. Like I began my post, I am blessed with a group of mostly good CNA's who are worth their...
  5. HIPAA And My Rights As An Employee

    Uhh, yeah. . . In late July I had a very personal health issue in the middle of a day shift. It was sudden and unexpected. Granted, it was only obvious that others present knew what was going on, and...
  6. How do you stay awake during the night shift?

    I actually have the opposite problem. I have difficulty sleeping before the sun comes up. Yet, I still must do days here and there. . . Which really screws me up. Put cardboard or black plastic over...
  7. Cussed out and disprespected by CNA

  8. Cussed out and disprespected by CNA

    Thank you all. I appreciate your support on this
  9. Cussed out and disprespected by CNA

    First off, let me start by saying, I am blessed with a group of *mostly* very good CNA's. We are a team, and when I am on I am respected as a team leader, and the respect is returned to the hard...
  10. i cried tonight

    You're not alone there at all. It does not matter who you are in the medical profession, we are also human beings with emotion. Sometimes it does put a patient more at ease when they can see, and feel...
  11. What have other nurses done that have freaked you out?

    Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! Sick!!!!!! I'll tell ya. . . I think I have lost my appetite for the day! Let me print this out and put it on my fridge. Could be the latest diet trick for me. Okay, I have a story for...
  12. Can brown colored breastmilk be normal?

    Maybe its chocholate breast milk . . . J/k . . . had to say it . . . Really I am stumped, I have not heard of that
  13. Disgusting Nurses!! SICK of my status as a CNA

    There is a time to have fun at work. How else could we survive our job, but that time is NOT while taking care of a patient. If the patient was IN the photo's, that could be considered a HIPPA...
  14. Why am I responsible for the dirty blanket???

    :idntdt: LOL Or sometimes after a day like that. . . its just more fun to pass the buck. (Sarcasm
  15. I am an LVN working in the same place where I had been a CNA for 6 years. I will be honest, the transition was hard for me. At first quite a few of the CNA's would not listen to anything I asked them...