Pay definately varies with location like with anything else, so do benefit packages. I work in a relatively rural hospital as a CRNA, my net income for the year is already over $100,000 and the group...
Hello, I am a CRNA. My critical care/ICU experience came solely from a Burn ICU. The unit I worked in is part of a Level I trauma center so we got all the big burns. My experiences are pretty much...
That will depend on whether you can sit in a classroom without an instructor present and not get side tracked. The instructors are easy to reach via phone and email. Plus the satellite program they...
Hey guys, I'm a graduate of the Barry CRNA program. To answer your question about Orlando being the hardest of the clinical rotations, the answer is, yes and no. You will be worked long hours and...
Hey Portland Medic, I too am a Paramedic, I am also a CRNA. Becoming a CRNA was the best thing I ever did, take what you know now and increase it a thousand fold. working in the rain,...
I'm a CRNA in an ACT model. Supervision is a medicare formality for BILLING, it has absolutely nothing to do with the delivery of the anesthetic. My supervision consists of a MDA coming by sometime...
Then your research ability is very inept or you've been extremely misguided. As a CRNA I prescribe and designate the anesthetics given to my patients every shift, all day long. I don't turn to a...
Different programs weight the GRE score differently. It's a pretty subjective test IMO. Your overall score is good and you did much better in the math section over the verbal. The admission...
I too once stood in front of my nursing class and shared my intentions to become a CRNA. I did this as a Paramedic coming into a nursing program, so I was already seen by some as an "invader" and when...
Hello, I am a new CRNA, finally earned my certificate and state license waaaay back in June. The facility I work is based on an hourly rate and OT for us is available via call for the general OR and...
The antiemetic properties of Decadron are not really well understood. However, research has shown that Decadron may antagonize prostaglandin synthesis and/or release endorphins improving mood, sense...