

General adult inpatient psychiatry

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About pinkiepie_RN

pinkiepie_RN specializes in General adult inpatient psychiatry.

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  1. Travel nursing and relationships..How do you make it work?

    So I didn't have money for a security deposit or first month's rent and am otherwise financially unstable. I'm sure I'm losing money by taking company housing but it's a hassle that's not mine to...
  2. How long can you be with one hospital as a travel nurse?

    I'm extending my first 13 week contract and feel like I've found my new home. Maybe it's still the honeymoon phase but I wouldn't mind settling down here! It was anxiety inducing waiting for my...
  3. Is 2 years Psych Experience enough to Travel?

    Yes! Psych is my baby and I've been in psych for 7 out of 8 years. (I had a meltdown about 4 years ago and my life went to $hit so I ended in LTC for a bit.) I think traveling was a good idea now...
  4. Are Termed Contracts Becoming a Trend?

    I made a med error a couple weeks ago and was TERRIFIED I'd get terminated. Thankfully it was just a scolding from the resident, the weekend attending and an apology to both patients involved. I was...
  5. Best travel nursing companies

    I'm with a sister company of AMN (Nurses Rx) and have heard people complain about them but I haven't had any problems. My recruiter left and I was assigned a temporary recruiter for about a week...
  6. Does anyone else just take their housing?

    I'm new to travelling. My husband kicked me out six months ago, I lived with friends and then took a travel job close to home (1.5 hours) in hopes we could reconcile with space. I'm low on funds and...
  7. Oh, you quirky night shifter you!

    I have a problem with shifting my sleep schedule. Often I'm just off a day between shifts and it's almost not worth it to convert back to a day schedule. I slept from 0900-1200 on Saturday, did...
  8. Epic class

    You can't just take EPIC training outside of a hospital course. My hospital just went to EPIC and we had tons of online modules and 12 hours of in class training. I didn't really learn that much and...
  9. I'm bipolar, can I be a psychiatric nurse?

    I have bipolar disorder as well as anxiety and have been a psych nurse for most of my career. I went into psychiatry because I was good with psych patients, but I think part of that comes from being...
  10. Do your Doctors wear lab coats?

    I work in a teaching hospital and while they don't wear them all the time, residents do wear them as well as attendings. I mostly see them worn by residents when they're on call (for storage, like...
  11. How many hours is your shift?

    The general scheduling for my unit is 2-8s and 2-12s to equal 40
  12. How long is your commute?

    31 minutes without traffic, 45ish between traffic and parking and walking to my building. 27 miles of almost 100% highway
  13. When you just don't want to go to work....

    This i probably not a favorable response, but sometimes I just don't go in if I feel bad enough. I have bipolar disorder and I'm not trying to cop out of my own behavior, but I frame it as a mental...
  14. Grumpy at change of shift (11-7)

    Hey I know this is going to sound really silly, but here goes. I'm fine all shift but when day shift comes in, all bright eyed and bushy tailed - it gets to me. All I want to do is give report and...
  15. I left my previous job for a valuable teaching experience but it didn't work out - I didn't have the background and they wanted me to pursue more teacher education. I'll be returning to school in the...