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All Content by pickledpepperRN

  1. In case we strike...

    I've been reading about your struggle. Other strikes have been successful. Kaiser nurses held rolling strikes in 1997, if I remember correctly. One hospital one day, another the next. Nurses spent more time transferring patients than on the picket l...
  2. ERs fail as the nation's safety net

    Roy, here in LA LA land so many ERs have closed in that last 20 years that it is quite possible for an accident vistim to take a long time to get to the nearest hospital by ambulance during "rush hour" (Actually 7-10:30 am and 3-7:30 pm) Worse the Pr...
  3. Mandatory Health insurance? Is it a solution to health care?

    10 Myths About Canadian Health Care, Busted http://www.alternet.org/module/printversion/76032
  4. Ratios?

    I found a few ratios for Arizona: R9-10-208. Nursing Services 6. A general hospital has two registered nurses on duty at all times when there is more than one patient; 13. At least one registered nurse is present and accountable for the nursing servi...
  5. ERs fail as the nation's safety net

    MLOS and BLEE: Absolutely! I only float to ER. I will not take a child because I'm not competent. I'm also much less productive in the ER than in the ICU. (Not a CEN but CCRN) Last year about this time a woman actually came to the ER at 7:00 am aski...
  6. ERs fail as the nation's safety net

    i suspect that the times reports on violations at our county facilities but not the hospitals that advertise in their paper. once i called my doctor for a refill of my imitrex prescription. he said, "why don't you have your husband bring you to the e...
  7. Universal Health Care... what would this mean...

    Regarding your assignment of up to 15 patients I'm curious about the type of patients and your system. I work in critical care. We are blessed with fine nurses who came to us for a two year adventure and stayed. One told us that she had never started...
  8. Universal Health Care... what would this mean...

    Um, tell me if I'm wrong. It seems to me the difference between 47% and 36% is an 11% difference. In both countries less than half of the people can see a doctor. Does the US figure include the uninsured? How does Canada care for people needing ment...
  9. Insurance Practices: Delay, Diminish, Deny, & Blame

    ...Lyle Schiele of Dallas. “As an owner/operator in the trucking industry, I was contracted to a major trucking company. I purchased my health insurance at what was to me an enormous monthly cost of $760 through that company. “In February ’06 I had s...
  10. Doctor won't back up his telephone orders!

    One evening at the bedside I asked a surgeon if he wanted to order morning labs and X-ray. He looked at me and walked away. I followed him to the desk and asked again. He said, "Don't inrerrupt me." He wrote progress notes but no orders. In the morni...
  11. In case we strike...

    I wish I knew the answer. We generally have one or two day strikes. The nurses are often locked out for another couple days. But we read hear about some very long strikes. Our union doesn't want others, especially patients to honor the line. We have ...
  12. Clinton Health Plan May Tap Pay

    I think it is wrong to take peoples money and give it to a corporation.Even worse to a health insurance corporation. For what? So they can deny care? The good thing is that I don't think that if she were President Congress would pass such a law. Unle...
  13. Universal Health Care... what would this mean...

    Social Security had been an excellent program. Many millions of old people and the surviving children of workers who died receive their check on time every month. And have since 1935. In 2000 there was a surplus in the federal budget. I wish that mo...
  14. * New York State Nurses Association disaffiliates from the United American Nurses http://www.nysna.org/news/nysna_uan_annce.htm http://www.bizjournals.com/albany/stories/2007/12/17/daily44.html * The Ohio Nurses Association disaffiliates from the ...
  15. How do you convice elderly people of certain things?

    A neighbor used to get out dated food free from the supermarket trash. He cut the mold off cheese, cucumbers, anything and ate it. The first time I met him he served egg nog. I thought it had alcohol so didn't drink it. Turns out it was spoiled. He s...
  16. Mandatory Health insurance? Is it a solution to health care?

    Large Business Association Releases Plan To Overhaul U.S. Health Care System The National Business Group on Health, a not-for-profit association of nearly 300 large employers, on Wednesday released a set of 20 conditions that would need to be met to ...
  17. Is LVN/LPN really harder than RN?

    To me the LVN program was harder. It was five days a week, 2 classroom and 3 full shifts in clinical. We often had to study on the days we had clinical and do care plans on the weekend. We had no prerequisites except a high school diploma. Because o...
  18. What am I, chopped liver?

    So true. My sister called me to come over right away. My Dad was starting to have trouble walking, even with the walker. He had spinal mets. He had had a messy BM because he just could no longer get to the commode. My college educated sister and step...
  19. What am I, chopped liver?

    My step mom asked me to be caregiver for my Dad when he was home in hospice. He was a smart and talented man who just never understood what nurses do. He was always proud of his girls but was way more excited when I earned my BSN than my LVN license....
  20. Mandatory Health insurance? Is it a solution to health care?

    DeMoro and Leonard: Candidates' reliance on more insurance won't solve the health care crisis Wednesday, January 30, 2008 With the Presidential race approaching Texas, voters may wonder how to distinguish among the contenders on the critical healthc...
  21. Health Reform is the Most Important Domestic Policy Issue

    Political divide in solving health care crisis http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/01/30/MN1QUNQN1.DTL&type=politics
  22. Health Reform is the Most Important Domestic Policy Issue

    Regardless of the messenger our healthcare and medication costs are overpriced. I think profit and multimillion dollar pay to executives who don't provide any healthcare keep the costs rising. Maybe it would be more equitable for doctors and nurses t...
  23. Nurses Political Involvement: Importance of Nursing Activism 2/07

    It is truly unfortunate that federal law separates licensed nurses. We work together so well for our patients.
  24. Nurses Associations Disaffiliate from United American Nurses

    Thank you Karen. I actually posted news articles about this without understanding why they split.
  25. The Arizona law prohibits denying a person the right to work if the individual does not belong to a labor union. http://www.nrtw.org/c/azrtwlaw.htm The Federal National Labor Relations act states it is illegal to interfere with an employees right to ...