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All Content by 5418ujyyhbewbttberbr

  1. Blood and such

    Did any of you current nurses have a problem with blood and bodily trauma before you started? I am a little iffy when it comes to that, but I don't think it's anything I can't get used to. Just curious. By the way, I was very much involved in the ...
  2. Blood and such

    Ha! I don't doubt it...I've thought about that. Definitely harder to get used to smells vs. sights.
  3. Blood and such

    I figured that was the case. Since it's not a phobia or anything, I think I can muscle through it :)
  4. Is Drug Addiction a Disease?

    I think of it more as an attempt to treat a disease. Drug addicts are really just trying to treat a large health issue...many times depression.
  5. Nursing as a second career at 30

    I a 30 year old married guy with a 2 year old and one on the way. I have a BS in Biology and an MS in Bioinformatics. I have been working for the same company for almost 5 years now and I am seriously considering a career path change. I have found...
  6. Nursing as a second career at 30

    This thread has gotten me excited at the potential of embarking on this rigorous path. Please keep the info coming...you folks are great. I am now thinking volunteering at a hospital is a good first step...at the same time going through the proces...
  7. Nursing as a second career at 30

    Welcome...it sounds like we are pretty much in the same boat...expect for the having babies part...that I leave up to my wife :) As far as I understand it...and ADN is an associates degree in nursing and you can become an RN with an ADN.
  8. Nursing as a second career at 30

    Thank you all, this is great info to digest. Ha! My username...I was getting frustrated because every name I put in was being rejected...so I put in a bunch of random numbers and letters...you can call me 54 :)
  9. Nursing as a second career at 30

    Thank you very much. This is extremely helpful. I don't think quitting work is realistic...maybe part time. I still need to pay the bills and help support my family :) We are getting into the nitty gritty...which is great. Could you give me a sa...
  10. Nursing as a second career at 30

    I have seen that CNA programs run in the $300-600...is that true? Also, say I decide to make that next step. Is it feasible to work full time and go through a nursing MS or BS program? Financial issues notwithstanding. :)