OK: I think you made the right decision to change your unit that you worked as a PCT. There is a big transition from PCT to RN. It is hard to be in control of your coworkers that you were once " one...
Hyperstat for hypertensive crisis ACLS: When you were lost for a intervention you could always "Give an amp of bicarb" Sublingual Procardia-cut or pierce the capsule and squeeze it under pt. tongue...
Nursing is and always will be a fascination of new ideas, studies and theory. I have a 40yr hx of CCU,ER, Geri-care, Med-Surg and many certs and took a lot of classes. My 93 old Mother is in a NH, and...
You can be in a crowd and everyone can be talking with about hundred different conversations and regardless how much you try to ignore all the talk. If there is just a faint smidge of a conversation...
No doubt finger injuries especially amputations. 40 some years ago as a new ER nurse in a small county hospital where the physicians took tune being on call. I mean you actually had to call them at...
We all go through this in our career. Its the time when we try to completely disengage our job and profession on our time off. No talking about it, no reading about it, if you are pursuing an...
Got out of the service. Played a few years on the road, not the glamorous life so many think. With a bit of road wisdom I decided time to get a back up plan. Always enjoyed helping folks and...
So it seems we have took a sedgeway into a side discussion on the rewards of certs by our employer. In the early days at a small hospital I was given .30/hr for my CCRN, then got my CEN, and another...
In order for the big greed factor to take over our hospitals. They have to get rid of the vintage nurses who have seen the drastic downfall of healthcare. There is still a great deal of older nurse in...
Okay folks I am a retired RN and always feel the best place to come for true facts and education is to the nurse who specialize. I have a 20 yr old nephew who has been on Depakote for about a year...
That was the hardest thing in my career. was getting sleep while working and then re-regulating sleep on days off. I was so adamant about not sleeping my entire day off that I would come home have my...
I think I choose "Poor management" which I feel is the result of many of the other options 1. Overworked 1. Overworked- This is a result of the hospital administration trying to save money ,clearly as...
I am wondering while these nurse are wearing the Extreme(but necessary ) PPE. Seems that charting would be very difficult. Are they able to use a dictation device or something?. I could not imagine...