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About MarcusKspn

LPN, EMT, Fire Fighter

Latest Activity

  1. My Pet-Peeve - Priming IV's

    This problem only happenes with patients that don't have a primary line. Thats why it takes so much to prime the piggybacks, because they have to be set up as a primary
  2. My Pet-Peeve - Priming IV's

    If we are lucky we can attach a syringe to the secondary port and backprime the IV into that. But more often than not there is a tiny little airbubble hiding somewhere in the system. Can't ever find...
  3. "male" scrub top patterns

    I can't really wrap my head around wearing patterns. None of them seem very masculine to me. I do like scrubs that are single color but have a logo of some sort on the breast pocket. I have one that...
  4. Wellness for the Nurse

    I volunteer for the Fire Department. Running EMS calls and fire calls just seem to relax me. Maybe its because we have standing orders for all our EMS patients, and I can just do what I think is right...
  5. US Nurse working in Germany?

    Thanks to everyone for all the info. I don't have any concrete plans. Like I said I grew up in Germany and speak the language and have citizenship over there. I was not thinking of moving anytime...
  6. US Nurse working in Germany?

    thanks for the German forum. I didn't think that an ADN would transfer. I do remember that Germany has huge requirements for training for
  7. US Nurse working in Germany?

    Sorry, I realize that I have left out one small minor detail.... I actually have German citizenship. I have lived in the United States for the last 10 years and I am going through an RN ADN program...
  8. Hello everyone, I was wondering if anybody knows if your nursing license can transfer from the USA to Germany. And if so what licenses do they take? Do they take LPN, RN, ADN, BSN? And what is the...
  9. I was watching the movie "In Her Shoes" with my wife the other day. When Cameron Diaz was working as a tech in the assisted living center I was once again amazed at the ability of scrubs to make every...
  10. Nurses vs EMTs?

    I have two things to say regarding this situation: #1) Yes, in a Pre-Hospital situation an EMT is allowed to do more than an RN. Only by a hair though. An RN in a setting where he/she is not at work...
  11. Agency nurse and the potential local strike!

    I don't think there should be a problem with you crossing the line. They are striking for "THEIR" contracts, "THEIR" benefits. You are not an employee for the hospital, you are not affected by their...
  12. Declotting Picc With Tpa

    Our policy is to use CathFlo (TPA), we use a 3 way stop-cock, one end to the PICC, one end to an empty 10 cc syringe, and one end to a CathFlo syringe. Draw back on the empty syringe, creating a...
  13. When I worked in surgery at my old hospital we did a clean-up of the department. Stocked away in the back corner of one of our supply closets we ran accross 30cc medicine cups and UA containers made...
  14. Share Your Saying

    Found two more that I really liked today, I will hang on to these: Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely, in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in...
  15. What happened to HIPAA

    Interesting info that I learned while working with the ambulance: HIPAA only applies to agencies that recieve compensation for medical care. As the ambulance service we were not allowed to give any...