Boopette RN

Boopette RN

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All Content by Boopette RN

  1. Families!

    there is a running joke at my facility, we should interview the families, and then, if they meet our expectations, we will admit their loved one! i believe that most of the nitpicking is guilt that their loved on is in ltc. on the other hand we have ...
  2. Department heads yippeeee!

    i guess i am very lucky that my facility puts the residents first. that is because we are the county home, and 98% of our resident are on public aid. our don does not mind spending money on things that make the resident's life better. we have drawing...
  3. Sexually Active Residents

    [color=white]*a basic human need of people of all ages is intimacy. romantic intimacy and sexual needs of older adults are often ignored by health care professions for several reasons: sex is not seen as a priority by either the resident or the provi...
  4. Taking Pictures of wounds

    We take pictures of wounds that residents are admitted with, but none after that, only record the progress on the weekly decub report sheets.