

critical Care/ICU-traveler

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About RNontheroad

RNontheroad specializes in critical Care/ICU-traveler.

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  1. Can't get a mortgage because I travel???

    My solution to the problem has been to take a staff position to avoid the "instability". I have now been employed full time at a hospital for a little over 6 months and have saved a sizable down...
  2. Can't get a mortgage because I travel???

    I have continued to research and talk with banks and other travelers since I originally posted. Here is what I have found out since then. First, try getting the mortgage thru a small town bank. Stay...
  3. Is NovaPro basically the same as Cross Country?

    Yes. They are owned by Cross Country and will have access to the same assignments. No need to deal with
  4. Moving to the UP

    My husband and I are considering a move to the UP. My husband has family from that area, and we have always loved it when we visited. We are looking in the Marquette, Escanaba, Munising areas. The...
  5. Can't get a mortgage because I travel???

    I have been traveling for the last 4-5 years, and recently have decided to buy a home and stay in one place. My husband and I have wonderful credit scores, a respectable income with a very low...
  6. Who died and made Joint Commission "God"

    I have been feeling the same way about JC for some time. It seems they have been the "only fish in the big sea" for so long, that they have become rather demanding and sometimes unreasonable....
  7. Traveling RV style...

    We pull our 5th wheel with a Ford F350 truck. It gets the job done, for sure. Problem is that once you are parked, that is definately overkill for doing your daily errands, getting to work, etc. I...
  8. Traveling RV style...

    I have been traveling for 2 1/2 yrs now and have been a full-time RVer the entire time. My husband and dog are with me as well. I consider it one of the best decisions we ever made, and it is a...
  9. traveling in this economy

    I agree. It would be wise to stay put for now. I know it is disappointing, especially if you have been planning this for awhile. Unfortunately the lack of jobs and the stress of finding a good...
  10. HMMM....tough one. (And yes, I know how AM is, I worked for them in the past.) What I would do is to ask your contact person at the hospital to review their contract with the agency. We never get to...
  11. First travel assignment - Texas

    I enjoy San Antonio, but above poster is right. It has parts that arent so nice. I recommend staying on the Fiesta side of the city (NW) or in the area known as Medical Center. (Most of the housing...
  12. Is anyone having trouble finding a good assignment out west?

    Looks like we are all in the same unfortunate boat. Travel nursing is just not what it used to be...I currently work with 4 different agencies and am having the same troubles as everyone else. To add...
  13. The Patient I Failed

    A try heart-wrenching story that so many of us have had to witness. Thank you for having the voice to say so eloquently what we would have a hard time putting into words. You are truly a gifted...
  14. Making my own contract

    That would be really helpful. Thanks for the
  15. Making my own contract

    Has anyone out there had experience with contracting directly with a hospital, and not going thru an agency? Is it even possible? I have been thinking about trying and wondering if anyone has any...