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  1. The flu shot making people sick

    Last October, my then 10 month old grandson received his first flu vaccine on a Tuesday and by Friday night was having full blown witnessed, video-taped focal seizures. After being hospitalized for...
  2. UMC vs. St. Dominic, Jackson Mississippi

    Thank you for the update... So glad you are happy, challenged and respected where you are practicing. Wish you all the
  3. UMC vs. St. Dominic, Jackson Mississippi

    Well, I think you have thought it through, weighed it out, and made the right decision for yourself! Best wishes on boards and your new
  4. UMC vs. St. Dominic, Jackson Mississippi

    Hey, Amandagayle, I was curious to find out what you decided? Did you go with St. D or
  5. UMC vs. St. Dominic, Jackson Mississippi

    as far as schedules, working 12 hr weekends, you miss parties, cookouts, kid’s ballgames etc but you have time off during the week for dr appts, grocery shopping, class parties and field trips....
  6. UMC vs. St. Dominic, Jackson Mississippi

    Oh my, NICU is my first love, so there would be no question there. I have worked every other weekend and nights as well and now work straight M-F. Also, it's 2 totally different environments. You...
  7. UMC vs. St. Dominic, Jackson Mississippi

    I don't know your age or experience, but as a nurse close to retirement, I have wished many times that I had taken the offer from UMC back in the day. They offer excellent benefits and retirement. I...
  8. Does this happen at your hospital? (Staffing related.)

    This is a "through-put" issue and Joint Commission has standards that apply to patient flow. I'm sure your patients are not "satisfied" with this arrangement either and poor patient staisfaction...
  9. Ordering aspirin tied into a part of ER MD salary ??

    Ordering ASA for AMI patients (not CHFers) is probably tied to Core Measures or the Value Based Purchasing (VBP) Rule from CMS, which impacts Core Measures and HCAHPS (Patient Satisfaction). Using...
  10. Acknowledgment system

    At our hospital we use "Smarties". It is simply a post card with the hospital logo on it and we write a thank you note for what the employee did proving they are a "smartie" and we tape a roll of...
  11. Crappy Nurses Day

    Yep! Good place with great administrative staff and a very strong CNO. Hospital has received "One of the Best Places to Work" awards more than once AND this year the State Nurses Ass'n gave us the...
  12. Crappy Nurses Day

    So far we have had a very nice Nurses' Week! Yesterday we had a Popcorn and Coke party ay 2 and again at 9 for all nursing staff (RNs, LPNs, CNAs) including non-clinical nurses like me! We were...
  13. Help: Taking out stains on uniform?

    If it's your blood... try this old quilter's trick and use your own saliva. I know for a fact my saliva gets blood stains out of quilts when I stick myself while
  14. Self Harm Questions in Triage

    KNARE, check with your hospital's Joint Commission coordinator... from what I understand according to The Joint Commission, that requirement is "...applicable to psychiatric hospitals and patients...
  15. Nursing Fun!

    With kids you gotta do Disney! ! ! Stay inside the park, use park transportation (bus, tram, boat, whatever is available), go early (one park opens early each day to people who are staying in the...