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All Content by mommiembd23

  1. Nurse Entrance Test

    Most colleges will tell you the book to study from, and I heard that one should study for a least one semester (but don't quote me)...good luck!
  2. Three Bad Things

    Paul, I'm so sorry to hear about your wife. My condolences goes out to you, your family, and her family. As far as your surgery, everything will go well and be patience you will get into the will be in my prayers.
  3. Aspiring Nurses: Why not Med School??

    I'm actually am going to attend Med school. I just wanted to get my foot in the door and be more up to date with informatin before I get there. I feel that if I go for my BSN first, once I get into Med school I can possible work PRN and a RN during ...
  4. Who has kids?

    I am a single mother of two children (4 and 2) although I'm living at home with my mother I feel that going to school and getting it over with is a great idea. I am 23yo (yes I'm young but am not giving up) I have been going to school part time since...
  5. Will I ever graduate????

    Don't get discourage, you can to do...I have started college in fall 02 as a part time student I had my first child 2months after...although I was going only spring and fall I decided to go one summer semester (each semester taking no more than two c...