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All Content by w8ing

  1. Any other UIC GEP applicants here?

    I haven't been to this site since I was in your shoes (I am just about finished with my first semester in GEP) . . . I know the waiting is awful. I remember I found out on Friday, May 11th of last year. Just so you know what you should be checking ...
  2. Anyone applying to UIC's Graduate Entry Program?

    Does anyone know if it is possible to defer admission into the program a year?
  3. Anyone applying to UIC's Graduate Entry Program?

    Congratulations mvanz9999 and cm180!!!!
  4. Anyone applying to UIC's Graduate Entry Program?

    I actually checked the post before my email . . . and . . . I'M IN!!!!! :roll I'm really sorry to hear that you got waitlisted, illinipeds. Hopefully someone will turn it down so you can get a spot.
  5. Anyone applying to UIC's Graduate Entry Program?

    REALLY?!? I didn't know we were supposed to get emails too! So possibly only 1 more day. I applied for ACNP. Good luck to you too. Be sure to let us know when you find out!
  6. Anyone applying to UIC's Graduate Entry Program?

    What specialty did you apply to cm180?
  7. Anyone applying to UIC's Graduate Entry Program?

    Yes! I can't handle waiting anymore . . .