

Trauma ICU, Surgical ICU, Medical ICU

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PiPhi2004 specializes in Trauma ICU, Surgical ICU, Medical ICU.

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  1. Overdoses

    LOL if its a 1 on 1 I guess you could, but heck you cant protect her airway for her, even if you're sitting beside her! With compromise in respiratory status she bought herself some tube time, and...
  2. Labs and vasopressors..new icu nurse needs advice

    getting an art stick (or any stick) of someone on pressors, especially more than 2 is nearly impossible. If you have enough pressors that you have no access left, then you need an a-line, period. I...
  3. The Dreaded Death Bath and a Moral/Ethical Dilemma?

    We also get the fancy mattress for any patient that is hemodynamically unstable. We still bathe em, its a PTA bath if they can't tolerate more, and realistically if you've got a patient that sick, you...
  4. what?...q 15 NIBPs with an art line???

    I know people who do this, we have no policy on it and I have better things to do with my time so I don't do it, plus why have a BP cuff going off q15 on a poor persons arm? Unless you're having...
  5. Clock out by 8am or get reprimanded!!!

    Even on my busiest of days I am always able to clock out before 0800, even when I have 3 pt assignments in the ICU, and I've had some bad ones before! I always keep up with my charting and I delegate...
  6. How high have you titrated levophed?

    There are so so so so many things wrong with this. Was anyone helping you at all? Anyone with any experience would've been able to assist you. A high dose of levo is the least of the
  7. Huntington vs Charleston hospitals, salary?

    Run, dont walk, to Huntington. I am an ICU nurse at CAMC in charleston, it is horrible. My friend is an ICU nurse at St Mary's and she is treated wonderfully. I will be leaving for higher education...
  8. How often do you get sick?

    When I was in college I think I was sick most of the time, but then again I lived with 20 other girls in a sorority house and we shared bathrooms and kitchens. We passed around EVERYTHING! Now that...
  9. You cant be fashionable for nursing.

    I am very young, 23, and I hate looking dowdy at work and while I abide by all dress code rules and regulations, there are ways to still look good at work. To the OP, the rules are the rules, so you...
  10. I would say ICU nurses do quite a bit of it compared to others. We have no UAPs on our floor so we do all code browns and any vomit, plus in many GI cases we measure gastric contents daily. Patients...
  11. AAA rupture

    10000% agree with you on this one. I can't believe they don't spend time on more important things. It kind of annoys me, there are a million things to learn in nursing school and this is something...
  12. Am I wrong because i don't want to do CNA duites

    It is one thing if you are too busy to do CNA duties, but your post reads that you don't want to. Let me ask you this, would you be angry if someone told you "I don't want to do LPN duties, I'm an...
  13. Does anyone else get tired of the meetings?

    I really don't mind meetings. I like getting first-hand information about new policies coming soon or near-miss events that we should watch out for. These topics are usually always a part of the...
  14. Higher incidence of depression among nurses

    I do think there is a higher incidence of depression among nurses. First, there is a proven relationship among people who work odd hours and depression. Secondly, there are more women diagnosed with...
  15. shouldnt precepting be teaching , not working?

    The ICU is a tough place to hang for a new grad, but my question is, how is the acuity of this ICU? In some places, having a 3:1 isnt a big deal because the patients aren't so sick. I would...