luvschoolnursing LPN

School Nursing

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All Content by luvschoolnursing

  1. luvschoolnursing

    Question for all your school nurses

    In Pennsylvania, no, they cannot be school nurses, but they can be assistant nurses. This translates to less money but in many ways, it is the same job. I think Praiser is an LPN and she is a school nurse, not sure where she is from, though. Maybe sh...
  2. luvschoolnursing

    Just can't win...

    I posted something I did awhile ago that angered the parent yet everyone on allnurses felt I did the right thing. You did the right thing, too. Good job noticing a problem. You just can't please some people.
  3. luvschoolnursing

    Happy Thanksgiving Break!

    We go to school through next Wednesday. This discussion makes me think that one of the things I am VERY thankful for is that I am not in the hospital working the holiday! I am also thankful for my allnurses friends. Blessings to all.
  4. luvschoolnursing

    Swine Flu in Schools

    We haven't seen much in our school yet. Have had quite a few kids trying to go home because, "I know I got the swine" but only a few confirmed cases.
  5. luvschoolnursing

    kids sleeping in class

    I don't have a hard and fast rule either. Sometimes the kids are holding down an job and taking honors classes and have a "head cold" and just resting one class period is enough to get them through the day. Sometimes I suspect substance abuse, someti...
  6. luvschoolnursing

    Does make you a better nurse?

    I said "no" it has not made me a better nurse. What this site has done is give me a community of fellow nurses who understand me and can commiserate with me when necessary. I have asked for and received good advice from others, especially my school ...
  7. luvschoolnursing

    Seeing a lot of Flu symptoms, or is it just media hype..??

    It seems no one has your basic "head cold" or seasonal allergies this year. Panic has certainly hit my area to the point that every booger (I work in a school so yes, booger is a medical term here!) is H1N1. We do have a few "confirmed" cases, but I'...
  8. luvschoolnursing

    Did I do the right thing?

    A student cut himself in the shower at my school. He was bleeding a lot and the wound required a pressure dressing to get the bleeding to stop. I called the mother to take the student for medical care, which she promptly did. The cut was quite deep a...
  9. luvschoolnursing

    Do you have clinic rules?

    Wow. I'm happy if my kids have a pass on a scrap of paper. I do insist on some type of pass, but nothing more.
  10. luvschoolnursing

    Lingering Lice

    Do the parents know that they probably need treated, too? I have had luck with parents using olive oil, although it is a long process because you don't really want them to use the shampoo again and again. Do the kids go to dad's or a caregiver on the...
  11. luvschoolnursing

    Lunch time.

    I shut the lights out and lock the door. The main office still manages to call me most days, though.
  12. luvschoolnursing

    First-semester students taking care of C. diff patients?

    Just be glad you know they have c-diff. When I worked in the hospital, I was a floater so I would admit the patient and find out a week or so later-"oh yeah, did you know that pt you admitted had..."
  13. luvschoolnursing

    Help with hand hygiene

    We have automatic faucets in out bathrooms. Not sure what to say about your high school, you'll never convince them to re-do the bathrooms. As far as hand sanitizer, it was considered putting them in the hall. I wasn't so much concerned about the kid...
  14. luvschoolnursing

    Good things about the N-95 masks !

    We don't have masks. We were told not to wear them. Not sure how effective they would be anyways, unless we wore them continuously since we don't know who has what. I do hate them coughing on my phone, though.
  15. luvschoolnursing

    First Aid Kits for Teachers/Office Staff. What do you put in yours?

    Mine get bandaids, gloves, a few 2 X 2 pieces of gauze and an antiseptic wipe in a ziplock bag. The teachers that need more (like the cooking teacher-think sharp knives) ask me for what they need. Also the office gets some pads/tampons in case I'm no...
  16. luvschoolnursing

    Substitute School Nursing

    Our district also does not provide any training or orientation. One thing you can do, if you're willing, is go in for a couple hours on your own time and orient with the nurse for that school. I feel very strongly that you should get paid for that ti...
  17. luvschoolnursing

    can we use medicine for burns, rashes, bug bites?

    Our school MD signs standing orders for anything we use. We have orders for things like Caladryl, hydrocortisone cream, burn cream, cough drops, artificial tears, etc. No oral meds without an order from the student's own physician. (unless you count ...
  18. luvschoolnursing

    Swine Flu

    None for us yet. Other local school districts have been getting hit, though so we are gearing up for it. Hope it's not too bad.Hang in there, Praiser!
  19. luvschoolnursing

    All School Nurses

    trueblood83 :grpwlcm: You can come here for lots of advice and support. This is a great group.
  20. luvschoolnursing

    Do you ever really find your "niche?"

    Took 17 years. I think when you have to work and your kids are young, there is no niche, just perpetual exhaustion. I love the school nursing job I have, but if my kids were little (they are 16&17) I would hate it-getting them up early, going to ...
  21. luvschoolnursing

    AED training

    I agree. Training to use an AED is easy since they are set up for anyone to be able to use. In our schools, we have our local EMS come in and do the AED and CPR training at the same time, so they get both.
  22. luvschoolnursing

    Did I do the right thing?

    Thanks, guys! I love coming here. Spoke with my principal today, because the parent wanted to schedule a meeting with him about the whole situation-not just me. My principal said, "I see no negligence here, don't worry about it." Thanks again for you...
  23. luvschoolnursing

    Did I do the right thing?

  24. luvschoolnursing

    Elementary School kids and parent teaching on germs and skin

    Try Henry the Hand. Just google it. Has some cool stuff for elementary age.
  25. luvschoolnursing

    the rosary helps

    I'm not catholic, but when I worked in the hospital I definitely found that giving a rosary to my catholic patients was comforting. I have even prayed along with a couple of them before bed. Again, I am a non catholic Christian, but I figure a coupl...