luvschoolnursing LPN

School Nursing

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All Content by luvschoolnursing

  1. luvschoolnursing

    Career fair--would you go in your first year?

    Why not? Even if you don't take a resume, it's never bad to hear what they have to say.
  2. luvschoolnursing

    How many kids?

    Grades 9-12. Around 1,000 kids. I see about 30/day unless you count the multiple visits from the diabetics then it is closer to 50.
  3. luvschoolnursing

    Do you have a best friend at work?

    I don't have any "best" friends at work. I do attend special occasions with a few-baby showers, graduations, etc. but otherwise, I don't socialize much with them outside of work. Any job I have ever left, everyone always said "keep in touch" We never...
  4. luvschoolnursing

    School nurse certifications??

    Every state is different. Check with yours to see what is required. In PA we need a BSN + School Nurse Certification through the department of education.
  5. luvschoolnursing

    Not sure what to feel

    Surprising that is is OK to go without a sub for the nurse but if any teacher wasn't there, there would be a sub. Maybe the security guard could fill in for math next time. Sorry, just being sarcastic, and I am glad there was a good outcome. Unfortun...
  6. luvschoolnursing

    Easy job?

    It's not easy, but it is different. I think I find it easier because I enjoy it. I felt continually frustrated at the hospital and didn't feel like I made a difference. I get much more job satisfaction here. I have about 150 kids scheduled for ht/wt/...
  7. luvschoolnursing

    unhappy with school nursing

    I love school nursing. I was absolutely miserable in the hospital. I would rather work 5 days/week in the school and make as much money as I could working 2 days/week in the hospital. Like pugmom said, the beauty of nursing is that we have choices. N...
  8. luvschoolnursing

    Sick of the same old game

    January and February are long cold months. Most of the kids get restless and are "not themselves" this time of year. It's long for the kids, for us and for the teachers!
  9. luvschoolnursing

    "My child came to the nurse? Why didn't anyone call me??"

    When I worked in elementary school, if there was a parent that wanted called each time their child came to visit, I would. I remember one parent that after the 9th time in one week (the kid had dry, itchy "winter" skin:uhoh3:) she said she didn't wan...
  10. luvschoolnursing

    Kids that you KNOW are faking it???

    I always get a ton of them on blood drive day. They are fine when they leave the donor area but then when they get to math class they become mysteriously woozy!
  11. luvschoolnursing

    Back to Work !

    Glad you're staying, Purple. It's great to have you around!!! I didn't start back till today because we were off yesterday due to the snow. Seems like the upcoming couple of weeks are all meetings. Met today with parents and student-student was diagn...
  12. luvschoolnursing

    Back to Work !

    We actually had a snow day today! Extended vacation 1 more day. First thing tomorrow though, I have a meeting with the family of a student who was dx with type I diabetes over break.
  13. luvschoolnursing

    I need 50 ways to get out of my med surg job.

    If you are still on orientation, they will probably not accept a 2 week notice-they will just want you to leave. They won't want to invest any more money in orienting you. Is your other job in nursing?
  14. luvschoolnursing

    Kids that you KNOW are faking it???

    I agree with CrazyTrainRN. One thing I often did in elementary school, like she mentioned, is call the parent AFTER you send the kid back to class. Once the kid gets their parent on the phone, they will become so dramatic, that the parent will almost...
  15. luvschoolnursing


    While you are subbing, you can talk to other school nurses in your area to see what your state's requirements are. I worked as an "nurses aid" in a school while I got my BSN and School Nurse Certification. The pay was lousy considering I was an RN wi...
  16. luvschoolnursing

    did your job give you a holiday gift??

    We got an email thanking us for all our hard work. I am glad to be employed, though...
  17. luvschoolnursing

    These kids are losing their minds!

    We still have 2 1/2 days till break and yes, even the high school kids are a little wild. Looking forward to break.
  18. luvschoolnursing

    RN "Super Union"

    "The bottom line is this...there are MANY nurses working in deplorable power, no security, no consideration." Unfortunately it seems like often it about the Union's power, security and consideration, not those who are forced to pay du...
  19. luvschoolnursing

    Snow Day Tomorrow????

    Don't like snow days because we have to make those up in the summer. Like 2 hour delay days, though! Not here, now though. We're expecting rain.
  20. luvschoolnursing

    Would you switch to nights for alot more money?

    Wouldn't go back to nights for any amount of money unless my family was starving. Been there. Done that. Hated it.
  21. luvschoolnursing

    Want to be a school nurse

    I had 17 years experience, but it was primarily med-surg, not peds. When I got hired as a school nurse, I was considered an assistant nurse. I worked in the elementary schools. The CSN had 4 elementary schools and there were 3 of us who were consider...
  22. luvschoolnursing

    Home visits

    I am not expected to do home visits. I suppose I would be able to after work hours, but I am not allowed to leave my building during the day.
  23. luvschoolnursing

    School nurse and pregnancy

    I agree with Safari. I was working in the hospital through both of my pregnancies. I think this is a much better environment. Congratulations!!
  24. luvschoolnursing

    Screening PK kids

    Don't worry, Purple. I'll be doing screenings till May! My kids are high school age so they understand it, I just can't pin them down to come to the health office! It always manages to get done every year, though.
  25. luvschoolnursing

    Want to be a school nurse

    -how much training did you receive when you were first starting out? i needed my bsn + my school nurse certification (about another year, part time) -how much support is available during training and now? i was given the keys to my office and th...