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About libbyjeanne

libbyjeanne specializes in med-surg.

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  1. CVP through PowerPort?

    Considering the placement difference between a port and the distal end of a CL, I highly doubt that you can obtain a CVP from a
  2. Does anyone change their propofol tubing Q24h?

    I was thinking about this the other night. At my hospital, we change the propofol tubing q12, but we only change the tubing to 20% lipids q24. I wonder what the rationale is behind
  3. Average number of patients for RNs in Montana?

    Med surg- 5:1 on nights, 4:1 on days. PCU- 3:1 ICU-
  4. New grad rn in las vegas, nevada

    Usually, hospitals in LV only do new grad programs in the summer. They start in May/June. My advice to any new grad is to make yourself more marketable by that time. Have ACLS, BLS, and PALS. Know the...

    To be honest with you, further certifications (such as ACLS, PALS) will not be a deal breaker in you getting a job. My advice is for you to just wait and take the class for
  6. Kalispell Regional Medical Center

    I work with some nurses that use to work at Kalispell Regional. From what I have heard, the pay is poor and they do not treat their employees well. Kalispell is beautiful,
  7. RN pay in Las Vegas

    As a new grad, I made $28. Now, nearly two years out, I have switched jobs and make a bit more. You can easily make at least
  8. Should I continue or should I not?????

    Maybe the school offers a part-time
  9. Drug testing in Las vegas Hospitals...

    Oh, sorry. I meant that the Sunrise hospitals all do hair analysis, along with urine. The Valley Health System hospitals do not do hair analysis....just
  10. Drug testing in Las vegas Hospitals...

    The Sunrise Hospital system (Sunrise, Southern Hills, and Mountain View Hospitals) all do hair analysis. I know the Valley Health system hospitals do not. Not sure about St. Rose
  11. About done with nursing.

    Seven patients on a step down floor? As in a ICU step down?!?
  12. Okay, so about using your stethoscope... How long does it take you to use that stethoscope? I am guessing not very long. If you think about it, did you REALLY not have the time to use your steth and...
  13. Need to Vent: Slow and Stupid NG

    You are not stupid. Being a new grad is a scary thing. I have been on a M/S floor since June and I still ask questions every day. It's only your second day of being on your own! Give yourself time....
  14. Not allowed to SIT during 12 hour shift and MORE

    That is ridiculous! I would do the same thing you are doing...putting in my notice and getting the heck out of
  15. adjusting to night shift

    Just the other night, I had the same question asked to me. We have a new doctor, and a young one at that. Poor thing is having the hardest time working night shift. I have been blessed with being...