I hate my job. I've been a nurse now for a year and a half, and I've been telling myself from the beginning that eventually I wouldn't be so stressed and I would learn to love it. Nope. I work in a...
I know this is an old thread, but I spoke to an advisor this week and she informed me that they are revamping the program starting July, 2012, and IWU will no longer require
Hi all.... I am preparing to take a Lab Skills Exam for my Community Health class. We will be acting out a scenario with our instructor and a mannequin who is to be the client. One of the topics we...
If we are picking apart grammar, your sentence structure is incorrect. "If anything, minorities are at a DISADVANTAGED in the hiring process" should read, "If anything, minorities are at a...
I can understand being frustrated if she has a habit of being late for class, because that directly effects her classmates as she enters the classroom. It's disruptive. We have a girl who used to make...
mspontiac replied to CaliforniaRNnow's topic in General Students
I don't want to go to mine either, simply because my school sucks and once I am finished, I want to walk away and not look back. I'm older and the ceremony doesn't really matter to me; I'm not...
Sounds like you have it good! We are required to come in the day before, select patients, and do a 20-page writeup prior to clinical the next morning. It's brutal and most of us perform patient care...
Sometimes the instructors who seem the most intimidating and threatening at first turn out not to be as bad as you expected. They are usually the ones who bark the loudest at first, have the highest...
mspontiac replied to BeenThereDoneThat74's topic in General Students
I am also "math challenged," and I use the exact same method you use. I *always* use a ratio/proportion formula and I excelled on my dosage exam and never have a problem with calculations. My former...
Perhaps it's a matter of perspective. My husband is an RN on a cardiac med-surg floor and he regularly states that he loves his job. I am confident that I will too because I thoroughly enjoy...
Your post is so, so sad. I am moved to tears to know that your mom experienced this terrible thing. I was even more moved to tears by your last paragraph...I'm so sorry for you. I am a student, and...
I feel the exact same way. This semester, I have stopped sitting quietly by and tolerating the stuff that goes on in my program; I have become the sqeaky wheel who is an advocate for myself and the...
mspontiac replied to workinghardforit's topic in General Students
Please don't leave! I am 41 and am 4 months from being done, and I can barely tolerate school. My husband is an RN and continually assures me that he hated school, felt overwhelmed and unsure at...
Great post! I looked especially close at #1; I am in my last semester of nursing school and instructors drill it into us that we should never suggest that RNs are short on time because of the patient...