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All Content by surromom

  1. Navy repayment of Loans and GI Bill

    well I am barely starting my ABSN April 7th, so I haven't contacted a recruiter just yet! I think I am only going to have $30k in loans so as long as I get that much I will be REALLY happy!!! Just a thought at how great I think the Navy is for me: ...
  2. i would do whatever you want while planning to get pregnant, you don't know how long it will take you or how your pregnancy will be. I am on pregnancy five and all have been smooth! i was active duty for the first three and never took a day off for t...
  3. Navy repayment of Loans and GI Bill

    Dan, This is what I am talking about, I have always assumed the loan repayment was an incentive to get people to join. Maybe I am wrong... $25,000 WHEN YOU JOIN A sign-on bonus of up to $25,000 is available to all practicing nurses who qualify as ...
  4. Navy repayment of Loans and GI Bill

    I am going to request loan repayment, which the website said is currently up to $38,300 which is a little less than my tuition. I am kinda screwed w/the great get you through the last semester when your gi bill runs out. I am going to National and ...
  5. NCP vs. Waiting to Finish School--In Terms of Money

    $25,000 WHEN YOU JOIN A sign-on bonus of up to $25,000 is available to all practicing nurses who qualify as Nurse Corps applicants. Talk to a Navy Officer Recruiter for details. UP TO $38,300 TO REPAY STUDENT LOANS There's no reason to be overwhelm...
  6. Duty Stations...where to go/pick?

    as far as I know hawaii isn't overseas for the Navy!!! For me when that time comes San Diego and Hawaii will be my choices as well, I have be where subs can go, so my hubby can be with me too Hehe!!! Good Luck!
  7. jobs in cali with no exp

    check w/the VA
  8. Corpsman to nurse

    i was in the Navy too, as an IT I got out to go to nursing school and hopefully back in! I thought as a HM you could challenge the LVN test and then just go LVN to BSN! or ASN whatever you like. In my first week of MA trng at the VA I have met a HM ...
  9. Twin Vaginal Delivery w/o Pain meds

    Hello, This is a question for myself. I am currently 17w3d pregnant with twins as a surrogate. this is my 5th and most likely last pregnancy. Delivery #3 was completely natural and delivery #4 was 36 out of 39 hrs med free w/an induction but due t...
  10. Twin Vaginal Delivery w/o Pain meds

    thanks for the advice, I will ask my OB but the thing is I will deliver at a military hospital and have no clue who will be delivering me until I walk through those doors of L&D. I "know" other surrogates who have delivered twins med free, just ...
  11. ou and sharp second bachelors

    they start 3 times a year 72 students each time. the due date of application is due about 2m before the start date and they inform you 1m before start date. they start in jan/jun/aug this year at least!
  12. National University Starting in San Diego-April

    I am married but my husband just deployed to Iraq for a year!
  13. National University Starting in San Diego-April

    I live in San Diego and did not want to go as far as LA to go to school. I am a mom of four! Some of my weaknesses were needing to repeat Micro (which I was in the when I got my acceptance letter) I also didn't have any supervisors to write my lette...
  14. National University Starting in San Diego-April

    I hear you, i have been to many schools and you are so right about cost of transcripts and application fees!!! i go bankrupt just on those things!
  15. National University Starting in San Diego-April

    I would apply they take a while to get back to you, longer than they say, so I say just go for it!!! I am not in school yet so I can not tell you the quality of the education, but my friend is a nurse and NU students go on her floor to train and she ...
  16. national university bsn

    they do take a VERY long time!!!! i am thinking you will probably be in the one after July!
  17. Oklahoma Accelerated BSN, San Diego

    I am carrying b/g twins this time so I hope not to see you in high risk antepartum but maybe L&D!!!
  18. I start CNA program tomorrow!

    good luck!!!
  19. I am waiting for my orientation paperwork for the cohort starting in April as well. I have been emailing a girl on here as well, and as far as I know she has not received her letter yet either! I was suppose to start in Oct but due to some family i...
  20. questions regarding navy nurse corps

    I am not a Navy Nurse, just a hope to be one someday one! I was enlisted for 11 yrs and got out to get my degree, my understanding is they will send you to one of the big hospitals first, ie Balboa in San Diego or Bethesda. I talked to a nurse that...
  21. questions regarding navy nurse corps

    I never applied for the STA-21 but I did apply twice for MECP. You should apply for both!!! And don't let it get you down if you don't get accepted the first time!!! I should have applied until I got out, but I let it get me down.
  22. National University in San Diego

    Hi, sorry I didn't get emails about updates on this thread. I didn't start I wish I did now, but I had some family issues to work through. I am suppose to start in April and waiting for paperwork from them, which is normal LOL
  23. Oklahoma Accelerated BSN, San Diego

    I met w/the counselors. They accept 72 students three times a year! It seems like a great program, runs about $30k you do your clinicals at Sharp hospitals. Allison, I am going to try to email you, I got out after 11 yrs of being an IT to get my ...
  24. hello did you find it out? are you going?
  25. moving to san diego, looking for a trauma ER job

    My friend works at scripps and said they need nurses BAD!!!